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WEB QUEST The Kite Runner. Project Objective What would life be like if you really lived in Afghanistan rather than America, a place relatively free from.

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Presentation on theme: "WEB QUEST The Kite Runner. Project Objective What would life be like if you really lived in Afghanistan rather than America, a place relatively free from."— Presentation transcript:

1 WEB QUEST The Kite Runner

2 Project Objective What would life be like if you really lived in Afghanistan rather than America, a place relatively free from extremism and political upheaval?

3 Introduction It is the year 2002 in Afghanistan. You are an Afghan citizen who has seen his or her country change dramatically during and after the rise of the Taliban. Although you know about the persecution of your people by the British and Soviets and mujahedeen in previous generations, this is nothing compared to what has unfolded before your eyes in recent years. It is your job to enlighten Americans about the what you and your countrymen have encountered over the years.

4 Your Task Write a 2-3 page editorial informing your audience about what your country has endured at the hands of the Taliban. Be sure to defend your non- extremist countrymen against unfair prejudice. This will be written in narrative form and is meant to be a creative writing piece, albeit accurately supported by the research you conduct.

5 The Process Establish Identity: You are the person described on your card. Guiding Questions for Research: What was life like before the rise of the Taliban? (i.e. for you, for your parents, for your grandparents) What is the Taliban? How did life change as the Taliban took control of your country and what was life like under the Taliban’s rule? Once the Taliban’s power was weakened post- 9/11, how did life change once again? How are you treated by other countries?

6 Who Are You?: The People and Geography Ethnic Groups More on Ethnic Groups Geographic Map of Ethnic Groups Basic Facts More Basic Facts Ethnic Relations and Class SystemEthnic Relations and Class System (scroll down)

7 Who Are You?: The Culture Daily Life and Values LanguageLanguage and Literacy (see People and Society)Literacy Cultural Overview More Culture Kite Flying

8 Who Are You?: Religion Islam More Islam …And Then Some Women Under Islam Differences between Sunni and Shiite Muslims (1), (2)(1), (2)

9 The Process What was life like before the rise of the Taliban? (i.e. For you, for your parents, for your grandparents) Political Timelines: BBC(1)/BBC(2) Free Republic U.S. Department of State

10 The Process What was life like before the rise of the Taliban? (i.e. For you, for your parents, for your grandparents) An Overview British Occupation Soviet Occupation Soviet Invasion Soviet Occupation and U.S. Involvement For the Hazaras

11 The Process What is the Taliban? Rise and Fall of the Taliban (1), (2)(1), (2) Jihad

12 The Process How did life change as the Taliban took control of your country and what was life like under the Taliban’s rule? More Rise of the Taliban Taliban Policies Voices from the People For the Hazaras

13 The Process How did life change as the Taliban took control of your country and what was life like under the Taliban’s rule? Human Rights Violations & A List of Rules Treatment of Hazaras Treatment of Women Punishment for Breaking Rules Living in Poverty Escaping

14 The Process Once the Taliban’s power was weakened post- 9/11, how did life change once again? Current Situation and Goals EconomyEconomy, Opium Trade and the War on TerrorOpium Trade War on Terror Aftermath of the War (Scroll to the bottom) Life After the Fall of the Taliban Voices from the People: Finding an Identity Returning to Afghanistan

15 The Process How are you treated by other countries? Discrimination against Muslims post 9/11 Hate Crimes against Arab-Americans More Hate Crimes and Discrimination Voices from the People: Facing Discrimination Islamophobia

16 Assessment Please print this rubric and submit it with your editorial.

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