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Golden-cheeked Warbler (Dendroica chrysoparia) Photos by John Ingram about 5 inches long Both sexes have a black line through each eye, across an otherwise.

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2 Golden-cheeked Warbler (Dendroica chrysoparia) Photos by John Ingram about 5 inches long Both sexes have a black line through each eye, across an otherwise immaculate yellow face. Older males have a black back and crown… …and a black “bib” Females and some young males have variable amounts of green on the back and crown… Unlike those of vireos, warbler bills are slender, like forceps … and black on the throat

3 City of Austin Travis County Private landowners Partners Lower Colorado River Authority The Nature Conservancy Travis Audubon Society

4 Texas Rat Snakes Known predators of nests and young : Eastern Fox Squirrels Raccoons Jays Red Imported Fire Ants female Brown-headed Cowbird male Brown-headed Cowbird Brown-headed Cowbird

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