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Academic Writing Tips on How to Write in a College Setting.

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2 Academic Writing Tips on How to Write in a College Setting

3 Things to Consider When Identifying Academic Writing... ★Tone ○ Word Choice ○ Point of View ★Audience ○ Readers ○ Intention ★Authorship ○ Writer ○ Credibility ○ Bias

4 Things to Consider in Your Own Academic Writing... ★Type of Assignment ○ Research Paper ○ Book Analysis ○ Personal Reflection ○ Exploratory Paper ★Audience ○ Reader ○ Familiarity with Topic ★Scope of Thesis/Claim ○ Broad or Specific?

5 What Makes College Writing Different? Content ★Focus on research ○ Supporting thesis ○ Fewer opinions ★Deep Analysis ○ Critical Thinking ○ Delve past the obvious ○ Beyond High-School thinking Format ★ Length ○Various page lengths ★ Paragraphs ★ Citation Styles ○APA ○MLA ○APSA ○CSE ○And more!

6 “It would be simplistic to say that there are three, or four, or ten, or any number of types of academic writing that have unique characteristics, shapes, and styles. Every assignment in every course is unique in some ways, so don’t think of writing as a fixed form you need to learn. On the other hand, there are certain writing approaches that do involve different kinds of writing. An approach is the way you go about meeting the writing goals for the assignment. The approach is usually signaled by the words instructors use in their assignments.” -Success in College

7 Tips from Success in College ★“When you first get a writing assignment, pay attention to keywords for how to approach the writing. These will also suggest how you may structure and develop your paper.” Useful Key Terms Summarize Define Classify Compare/contrast Analyze Argue Synthesize

8 Go Write Some Academic Papers!

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