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Lesson 12 Where Do Dreams Come from? Step 1. Halloween, October 31st Halloween (All Hailows’ Eve), a night time festival, is held mostly by children rather.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 12 Where Do Dreams Come from? Step 1. Halloween, October 31st Halloween (All Hailows’ Eve), a night time festival, is held mostly by children rather."— Presentation transcript:

1 lesson 12 Where Do Dreams Come from? Step 1. Halloween, October 31st Halloween (All Hailows’ Eve), a night time festival, is held mostly by children rather than by adults. It is a favorite holiday for children who play the important part while their parents just support. Children are helped to prepare their costumes, as fantastic as possible and on Halloween they try to frighten their parents and other adults by their disguised masks. They try by every means to be spooky ghosts, little hobgoblins, ghoulish witches and so on.

2 Step 2 reading tasks before coming to the text get prepared for the following questions Understanding main points Read the text about how business will be organized in the future 1. which of the statements give the best summary of the ideas ? communications technologies enable information to be shared instantly across the world. b. in the future most people will be self-employed or will work as freelancers. c. companies are having to restructure due to developments in electronic communications

3 Step 3 read the text 1. Prepare for the vocabulary Ask the students to read through the words loudly 1 ) Explain some of the terms: accelerate: to move or happen more quickly cash flow: movement of money into and out of a company as goods are bought and sold coalition: the action of uniting into one body efficient: producing a satisfactory result without wasting time or energy equation: a statement that two expressions are equal freelancer: self-employed person working in a profession or trade in which full-time employment is also common.

4 2 ) background information decentralized organization refers to those large commercial organizations in which decision-making is brought closer to the point of service or action. it occurs in many contexts in engineering, management science, political science, political economy, sociology and economics, each of which could be said to study mass decision-making by groups too large to consult with each other very directly. open market

5 It is a general term which describes a condition of trading that is not limited to any area and person. in an open market, the market forces of supply and demand determine prices and allocate available supplies, without government convention. 2. give the students ten minutes to read and understand the passage in a rough way ask Ss to give the general idea of the passage and try to find the keys to the questions in reading tasks A. 3. explain the passage in details and ask Ss to make translations of some of the content.

6 Step 4 summarization and review 1. Ask the students to finish the following reading tasks understanding details mark these statements T or F 1. there is a move towards decentralization of decision-making in many companies 2. many companies are now experiencing cash flow and similar financial problems 3. no more than 10% of workers in the US work for the top 500 companies 4. ABB and BP Amoco have sold many parts of their businesses 5. large organizations can save money by centralizing all transactions. 6. computer companies have decentralized their decision making 7. it is possible that eh shape and structure of companies will be very different in the future.

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