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Caroline Cooper. 1500  The first pinhole camera was invented by Alhazen (Ibn Al-Haytham).

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Presentation on theme: "Caroline Cooper. 1500  The first pinhole camera was invented by Alhazen (Ibn Al-Haytham)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Caroline Cooper

2 1500  The first pinhole camera was invented by Alhazen (Ibn Al-Haytham).

3 1840 The first American patent issued in photography to Alexander Wolcott for his camera.

4 1859 The panoramic camera was patented by Thomas Sutton.

5 1861 Oliver Wendell Holmes invented the stereoscope viewer.

6 1878 The First Motion Picture Ever Made - The Horse In Motion came out. It was written by Eadweard Muybridge. history-film-firsts-679245.html?cat=37

7 1888 Eastman patents Kodak roll-film camera. http://inventors.a tinventions/a/Pho tography.htm

8 1900 The first mass-marketed camera was presented by Eastman. It was on sale until 1960s.

9 1900 The travel camera was invented in 1900. Extreme light weight and small dimensions when it is folded made this photo camera the most desirable thing for landscape photographers. history-timeline/

10 1948 The Polaroid camera is invented and allows people to take a photo and have it developed immediately, right from the camera. nes/camera_timeline/32

11 1953 The first 3d movie, The House of Wax was released in 1953. It was an American horror film starring Vincent Price. It is a remake of Warner's Mystery of the Wax Museum and was directed by André de Toth. what-was-the-first-ever-3d-film

12 1963 Polaroid came out with the first colored film camera. http://www.softschools.c om/timelines/camera_ti meline/32

13 1980 Sony released the first consumer camcorder, allowing people to record their memories in real time. 2/

14 1973 Polaroid introduces one-step instant photography with the SX-70 camera. http://inventors.abou tions/a/Photography. htm

15 1974 The Sasson Company built the first digital camera. mera_timeline/32/

16 1984 Canon put out the first digital camera for the public, which was later improved by Pixar. mera_timeline/32/

17 1985 Pixar introduces the digital imaging processor. ntions/a/Photography.htm

18 1990 Eastman Kodak announces Photo CD as a digital image storage medium. startinventions/a/ m

19 1996 On May 10, 1996. the movie Twister came out. The same year, it came out on dvd and was the 1 st dvd to ever come out. did+the+movie+twister+come+out%3F&o q=when+did+the+movie+twister+come+o ut%3F&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l2.12146j0j1& sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF- 8#q=when+did+the+movie+twister+go+o n+dvd

20 1999 In 1999, the first camera phone came out by the company Kyocera. Philippe Kahn is credited with the idea of the camera phone. did-camera-phones-come-out

21 2013 Sony came out with the touch screen camera. screen-digital-camera-zid27- DSCTX66/W/cat-27-catid-

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