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THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 Gas Guzzlers You really Aggregate me Solar- Powered Flashlight Please don’t send me to the Mines InstagramWell.

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Presentation on theme: "THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 Gas Guzzlers You really Aggregate me Solar- Powered Flashlight Please don’t send me to the Mines InstagramWell."— Presentation transcript:




4 With Host... Your

5 100 200 300 400 500 Gas Guzzlers You really Aggregate me Solar- Powered Flashlight Please don’t send me to the Mines InstagramWell that was random

6 Most homes in the US are heated by? A 100

7 Natural gas A 100

8 Most electricity in the United States is produced from? A 200

9 Coal A 200

10 The process of coal formation began in ancient… A 300

11 Swamps/Wetlands A 300

12 Plastics, chemical fertilizers, shampoos, and synthetic fabrics are all produced from? A 400

13 Petroleum products A 400

14 A 500 Using this energy source results in increased amounts of Sulfur dioxide, which leads to acid rain.

15 Coal A 500

16 Nuclear fission is the process where__________ uranium atoms is used to create energy ? B 100

17 Splitting/breaking B 100

18 In power plants, the force of steam is used to spin turbines primarily in order to… B 200

19 Generate electricity B 200

20 Hydroelectric energy is energy produced by… B 300

21 Running water B 300

22 Fuel rods in nuclear reactors are made up of pellets of? B 400

23 Uranium (U 235 ) B 400

24 Plug-in electric cars like the Prius or Nissan Leaf have better gas mileage then regular gas powered automobiles. However, plug-in electric cars still depend on which two forms of non-renewable energy sources? B 500

25 Coal, Uranium B 500

26 Fluid from hot magma that changes older rocks is an example of ? C 100

27 Contact metamorphism C 100

28 Which non-metallic ore is the source for glass? C 200

29 Quartz C 200

30 Hot mineral solutions flowing through cracks in rocks are most likely to produce? C 300

31 Veins C 300


33 Placer deposits form at the bottom of? C 400

34 Stream beds C 400

35 Magnetite and hematite are important sources of which Michigan ore? C 500

36 Iron C 500

37 Copper is an important ore for wiring and currency, what else is it classified as besides an ore? D 100

38 Native element

39 Concentrating uses which instrument (tools) to separate out iron? D 200

40 Magnets

41 Which mineral/ore is often an ingredient in food? D 300

42 Halite (salt)

43 Nonmetallic minerals prized for their brilliance and color are called? D 400

44 Gemstones D 400

45 Which ore is mined in the most Michigan counties? D 500

46 Aggregate

47 Which form of alternate fuel would use these panels below? E 100

48 Solar power E 100

49 Which energy source uses large turbines like the one shown below to generate electricity? E 200

50 Wind energy E 200

51 Which energy source best fits the equations below? E 300

52 Fossil fuels E 300

53 Which passive energy source is shown below? E 400

54 Passive solar energy E 400

55 Which type of nuclear reaction is occurring below? E 500

56 Nuclear fission E 500

57 Petroleum is produced when organic matter is subjected to great heat and ? F 100

58 Pressure F 100

59 Which company has the highest percent TOTAL ore mined from their original rock? ? F 200 Company Original Rock (tons) Magnetite Ore (tons) Aggregate Ore (tons) Hard Rock 125585 Rock Head Inc. 2302575

60 Hard Rock 72% (5 ore 1 + 85 ore 2 /125 total rock )*100 F 200

61 A narrow, fingerlike band of a mineral is called a(n) _______. F 300

62 Vein F 300

63 __________is produced by the accumulation of microorganisms under intense heat and pressure? F 400

64 Natural gas F 400

65 In nuclear fission reactors, nuclei are split by fast- moving? F 500

66 Neutrons F 500

67 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Environmental impacts Please record your Teams wager.

68 A serious environmental problem results from burning coal that contains a large amount of?

69 Sulfur

70 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy (Now go STUDY)

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