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RHESSI Hard X-Ray Observations of an EUV Jet on August 21, 2003 Lindsay Glesener, Säm Krucker RHESSI Workshop 9, Genova September 4, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "RHESSI Hard X-Ray Observations of an EUV Jet on August 21, 2003 Lindsay Glesener, Säm Krucker RHESSI Workshop 9, Genova September 4, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 RHESSI Hard X-Ray Observations of an EUV Jet on August 21, 2003 Lindsay Glesener, Säm Krucker RHESSI Workshop 9, Genova September 4, 2009

2 Outline Reminder: Emerging flux model Observations of the August 21, 2003 jet –TRACE 171, 1550 –RHESSI thermal and nonthermal Analysis of reconnection geometry

3 Emerging Flux Model (Shibata et. al, 1996)

4 Emerging Flux Model (Shibata et. al, 1996) partially occulted

5 August 21, 2003 flare Movie!

6 August 21, 2003 flare: Time Profile RHESSITRACE 1550 6-8 keV 25-50 keV

7 Visible early (only) Thermal ( 10 keV) emission Overall RHESSI temp ~13 K Reconnection outflow? Coronal source Contour levels 30, 50, 70, 90% Red: 6-8 keV Blue: 10-25 keV Hot jet Cool jet

8 Hot jet Cool jet Visible early (only) Thermal (>8 keV) and nonthermal (>10 keV) emission Overall RHESSI temp ~13 K Reconnection outflow? Coronal source Contour levels 30, 50, 70, 90% Red: 6-8 keV Blue: 10-25 keV

9 Hot jet Cool jet Nonthermal emission (>25 keV) No thermal emission Overall RHESSI temp ~22 MK Base of the Jet Contour levels 30, 50, 70, 90% Red: 6-8 keV Blue: 25-50 keV

10 Hot jet Cool jet Present throughout flare and jet. Thermal ( 12 keV) Temp ~24 MK Thermal electron density Instantaneous nonthermal electron density at peak time: –Integrate over energy, use n i =thermal density –Result: n nontherm ~ 2x10 8 cm -3 Near-Limb Source Contour levels 30, 50, 70, 90% Red: 6-8 keV Blue: 25-50 keV

11 Hot jet Cool jet Near-Limb Source Contour levels 30, 50, 70, 90% Red: 6-8 keV Blue: 25-50 keV Late in the flare, a small, hot loop becomes visible:

12 Hot jet Cool jet Near-Limb Source Contour levels 30, 50, 70, 90% Red: 6-8 keV Blue: 25-50 keV Late in the flare, a small, hot loop becomes visible:

13 Conclusion… RHESSI observed HXR from an EUV jet. The HXR locations and timing could indicate emission from reconnection outflow jets, lending support to the emerging flux model. Lingering Questions… Other explanations for the coronal emission? Outflow jets? Looptop source? Something else?? Why do we see nonthermal emission from the jet base with no thermal emission?

14 Extra Stuff

15 RHESSI images Early phaseFirst peakSecond peak Contour levels 30, 50, 70, 90% Red: 6-8 keV Blue: 10-25 keV Red: 6-8 keV Blue: 25-50 keV Red: 6-8 keV Blue: 25-50 keV

16 August 21, 2003 flare: Spectra Early phase Late phase

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