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Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 1 OTA TRP and TIS Testing Notice: This document has been.

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1 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 1 OTA TRP and TIS Testing Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE 802.11. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.11. Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures, including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE 802.11 Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at.http:// Date: 2005-9-21 Authors:

2 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 2 Abstract This presentation expands on the techniques for measuring transmit power and receiver sensitivity demonstrated in 11-05/0943 to define techniques for measuring the Total Radiated Power (TRP) and Total Isotropic Sensitivity (TIS) of individual DUTs using off- the-shelf test equipment with traceable calibrations. The requirements for an over-the-air (OTA) test system necessary to produce accurate results are discussed. Results of some TRP tests are shown to illustrate some issues to be addressed in the process.

3 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 3 Overview Introduction Basic Test Methodology Test Environment TRP Configuration TIS Configuration Some TRP Results –Issues to resolve Conclusions

4 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 4 Introduction It has been demonstrated that it is possible to perform conducted measurements of transmit power and receiver sensitivity of individual DUTs. The next piece of the wireless link budget is given by the radiation pattern(s) of the DUT including antenna, DUT body, etc., for both transmit power and receive sensitivity. From these patterns, useful metrics such as TRP and TIS may be determined.

5 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 5 Basic Test Methodology The basis of both TRP and TIS measurements is the measurement of a radiation pattern. Measure magnitude & direction of radiating energy using spherical coordinate system to represent location of each data point.

6 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 6 Basic Test Methodology At each point on the surface, we must be able to measure a randomly polarized signal –Measure two orthogonal polarizations and calculate the vector sum of the two field values (assuming linear polarization), or total power.

7 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 7 Basic Test Methodology To cover each point on the surface of the sphere requires a spherical positioning system to move either the DUT and/or the Measurement Antenna (MA). Combined Axis SystemDistributed Axis System

8 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 8 Basic Test Methodology Measurement antenna is positioned relative to the DUT at even angular positions on the spherical surface and the quantity of interest (radiated power or sensitivity) is measured for each polarization.

9 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 9 Test Environment In order to measure a valid pattern that only represents the magnitude and direction of rays radiated directly from the DUT, a free-space test environment is required. Any reflections in the environment will cause energy that was already measured from other angles in the pattern to be re-measured at the current point on the surface. –Tends to fill in pattern nulls and produces erroneous readings.

10 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 10 Test Environment A Fully Anechoic Chamber is used to simulate free- space conditions.

11 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 11 Test Environment A Fully Anechoic Chamber is a shielded room lined with RF/microwave absorber on all walls, ceiling, and floor. The quality of the shielding effectiveness is normally determined using IEEE Std 299-1997, “IEEE Standard Method for Measuring the Effectiveness of Electromagnetic Shielding Enclosures” RF/microwave absorber reduces reflections from the inner walls of the shield. Absorber performance depends on the depth and design of the absorber and the angle of incidence of the field. –Normal incidence is best, shallower angles are worse.

12 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 12 Test Environment Limitations in RF absorber performance, etc. impose limitations on the performance of the chamber.

13 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 13 Test Environment There are a number of site validation methodologies for determining the magnitude of the contribution from un-desired reflections. Applicable ones include: –Free-Space VSWR – Traditional method used for microwave chambers. Designed primarily for directional antenna test systems (radar, horn antennas, etc.) –CTIA Ripple Test – Rigorous system/site validation for spherical APM systems used for testing low directivity antennas. Used for validating systems used for TRP and TIS testing of mobile phones. Site Validation methodologies qualify a test area or volume known as a “Quiet Zone” (QZ). –The DUT must not be larger than the QZ for accurate measurements.

14 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 14 Test Environment Within the Quiet Zone: –An antenna located at any point in the QZ (with the same orientation) produces essentially the same signal level at the measurement antenna. –Conversely, the signal from the measurement antenna appears to be a uniform plane wave within the QZ. –The actual level of uniformity is determined by the site validation measurement. In free-space, the size of the QZ is determined solely by the far-field distance equation, r > 2D 2 /, so that for a given range length, r, the largest dimension of the DUT cannot be more than, where is the wavelength to be measured. QZ in an anechoic chamber is always less than ideal.

15 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 15 Test Environment There are three principal regions to be aware of: –The Reactive Near-Field region is typically within a few wavelengths of the antenna/DUT. The fields in this region are a combination of propagating electromagnetic waves and energy stored in electric (capacitive) or magnetic (inductive) fields. Any object introduced in this region changes the stored energy and thus affects the physical properties of the antenna (impedance, etc.) –The Radiating Near-Field (Fresnel) region consists primarily of propagating RF energy, but in non-uniform directions. Individual details of the radiating object are apparent. –The far-field (Fraunhoffer) region consists of propagating RF energy in coherent plane waves (or spherical wavefront when viewed in 3-D). E-M waves appear to be coming from a single point source.

16 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 16 Test Environment Radiating Near-Field 5 Sources, 1 Apart D=5 => r=50

17 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 17 Test Environment Far-Field 5 Sources, 1 Apart D=5 => r=50

18 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 18 Test Environment Near-Field to Far-Field 5 Sources, 0.2 Apart D=1 => r=2

19 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 19 Test Environment Most antenna patterns represent the relative strength of the radiation normalized to the maximum or bore- sight direction. For the purposes of TRP and TIS testing, it is necessary to calibrate the test range to remove the total path loss including effects of the range distance, measurement antenna, cables, etc. In the calibration process, a reference antenna with well known (calibrated) gain is placed in the center of the quiet zone with polarization aligned to each MA polarization in turn and used to determine the path loss relative to a theoretical isotropic radiator.

20 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 20 Test Environment An isotropic radiator is an ideal (non-existent) radiator that divides the total radiated power evenly across the surface of a sphere and all polarizations. –I.E. It radiates the same signal strength in all directions. –An isotropic radiator has no Gain (no Directivity or Loss) The radiation pattern of an isotropic radiator is a perfect sphere.

21 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 21 Test Environment The total path loss, PL, is given by the difference between the total amount of power radiated by an isotropic radiator, P ISO, and the power that would actually be measured at the test equipment port, P TE.

22 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 22 Test Environment To calibrate the range, the path loss between the input of a reference antenna and the test equipment port is measured. The known gain (over isotropic) of the reference antenna is then used to correct the path loss relative to an isotropic radiator. so

23 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 23 Test Environment The range calibration must be repeated any time there is a change to the test system, such as: –Replacement of cable(s) or measurement antenna. –Change in measurement antenna or quiet zone location or orientation. –Other alterations of the measurement system affecting path loss. The site validation measurement must be repeated any time there is a change to the test environment, such as: –Replacement or re-arrangement of absorber. –Change in measurement antenna or quiet zone location or orientation. –Addition or removal of objects in the test environment. Both should be repeated at least annually. –More regular testing, especially for range calibration, is recommended to ensure continued integrity of results. –Regular use of a golden test object can also help ensure stability.

24 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 24 Total Radiated Power Configuration

25 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 25 Total Isotropic Sensitivity Configuration

26 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 26 Some TRP Results The TRP test system used here consisted of an ETS- Lindgren wireless APM system with a 4.4 m (14.5 ft) range length, consisting of a rectangular fully anechoic chamber with multi-axis positioning system (MAPS) and dual polarized antenna connected to a Rohde & Schwarz FSQ vector signal analyzer with 50 MHz RBW as the calibrated receiver (same as used in 11-05/0943). –With all path loss included, and the noise floor of the VSA at -70 dBm for 50 MHz RBW, there remains only about 20 dB of dynamic range for performing TRP measurements. Barely enough. We ran TRP tests for a number of laptop configurations, including a built in 802.11b NIC and a PCMCIA plug-in card with diversity antennas.

27 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 27 Some TRP Results View of dual-polarized measurement antenna in fully anechoic chamber.

28 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 28 Some TRP Results Latitude D600 Laptop mounted on MAPS positioner in “Free-Space” configuration.

29 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 29 Some TRP Results Relationship of DUT to Measurement Antenna

30 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 30 Some TRP Results

31 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 31 Some TRP Results

32 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 32 Some TRP Results

33 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 33 Some TRP Results

34 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 34 Some TRP Results

35 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 35 Some TRP Results

36 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 36 Some Useful Metrics: Peak EIRP = 14.4 dBm –Maximum received power in pattern, corrected for range path loss. –“Best it ever gets” transmit link power. TRP = 8.4 dBm –Total power radiated by DUT. –Determined by integrating total power surface (weighted sum of measured EIRP data) –Provides statistical representation of DUT radiated performance. Some TRP Results

37 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 37 Directivity = 5.9 dBi –Ratio of Peak EIRP to TRP (EIRP – TRP in dB). –Indicates directionality of DUT relative to isotropic radiator. Some TRP Results

38 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 38 Efficiency = Unknown (no conducted power data) –Ratio of TRP to antenna port input power (APIP = conducted power) (TRP – APIP in dB). –Includes internal losses of antenna and VSWR of antenna as well. –Assumes APIP is forward power, not net power. Power reflected back from antenna does not radiate. Gain = Unknown (no conducted power data) –Product of Directivity and Efficiency (sum in dB). –Equivalent to ratio of EIRP to APIP (EIRP – APIP in dB). –Common term representing apparent amplification (gain) seen in bore sight (peak EIRP) direction over that from an equivalent lossless isotropic radiator. Some TRP Results

39 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 39 Near Horizon Partial Radiated Power; ±45° = 6.9 dBm, ±30° = 5.5 dBm, ±22.5° = 4.4 dBm –CTIA defined specification. –Cell towers exist along the horizon. –Energy radiated up into space or down to earth is lost to network. –Similar situation exists in layout of an 802.11 network on one floor of a building. Some TRP Results

40 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 40 Near Horizon Partial Radiated Power –Numerically reduces the data integrated from that for TRP by discarding data near the top and bottom of the pattern. Some TRP Results

41 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 41 Some TRP Results Effect of reducing from 5 ° steps to 15 ° steps. –Significant loss in pattern resolution. –TRP only goes from 8.44 dBm to 8.40 dBm. Peaks tend to be broad and nulls don’t amount to much. –Peak EIRP, however, goes from 14.4 dBm to 13.4 dBm.

42 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 42 Some TRP Results Latitude D600 Laptop with D-Link DWL-AG660 PCMCIA NIC mounted on MAPS positioner in “Free-Space” configuration.

43 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 43 Some TRP Results

44 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 44 Some TRP Results

45 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 45 Some TRP Results

46 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 46 Some TRP Results

47 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 47 Some TRP Results

48 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 48 Some TRP Results

49 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 49 Performance Metric Results: TRP = 12.2 dBm, Peak EIRP = 20.3 dBm, Directivity = 8.1 dBi, Efficiency = -2.8 dB†, Gain = 5.3 dBi†, NHPRP ±45° = 11.2 dBm, NHPRP ±30° = 10.1 dBm, NHPRP ±22.5° = 9.1 dBm † Based on manufacturer’s spec of 15 dBm TX Power. Some TRP Results

50 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 50 So, what can we say about the difference in these results? On average, the Diversity NIC will offer at least 1.5 times the range of the built-in NIC (assuming equivalent sensitivities). In the “Best” direction of each NIC, the Diversity NIC will offer twice the range. Some TRP Results

51 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 51 Diversity antenna throws new complexity into measurement process. –Changing between polarizations causes oscillations in diversity switching and un-desirable patterns Some TRP Results

52 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 52 Diversity antenna throws new complexity into measurement process. –Sequentially measuring each polarization (full pattern or cut between polarization change) improves results but slows test. –Still evidence of less than optimal diversity selection at some points. Some TRP Results

53 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 53 Ideally, diversity would be disabled and each separate path would be tested with the resulting maximum performance taken at each data point. If diversity switching is allowed, fixed polarization orientations of dual polarized antenna still bias results: –indeterminate alignment between MA polarization being tested and DUT polarization may not select the diversity antenna that produces the highest EIRP in the current test direction. –sum of components from different diversity antennas may overestimate “real” TRP. –Use of circularly polarized measurement antenna may help resolve this issue. –Measurement of TRP near sensitivity may force diversity algorithm to make “best” antenna choice. Some TRP Results

54 Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0944r0 Submission September 2005 Dr. Michael D. Foegelle, ETS-LindgrenSlide 54 Conclusions This presentation defines the system necessary for measuring over-the-air total radiated power and total isotropic sensitivity of wireless devices. Results of using such a system for TRP testing were demonstrated along with the most useful metrics obtained from the measurements. There are a number of issues to be resolved include dealing with diversity switching and increasing the available dynamic range of test equipment. A future presentation will present TIS data. Future presentations will show how results from these tests can be used to avoid the pitfalls inherent in some of the other proposed OTA methodologies.

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