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Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Any teacher that can be replaced by a computer, deserves to be.” David Thornburg.

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Presentation on theme: "Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Any teacher that can be replaced by a computer, deserves to be.” David Thornburg."— Presentation transcript:

1 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Any teacher that can be replaced by a computer, deserves to be.” David Thornburg

2 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “If you don’t like change, you’re going to like irrelevance even less.” Former U.S. Army Chief of Staff General Eric Shinseki

3 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “ We cannot contort the character of the internet to suit our familiar notions of regulation; do not dumb down the genius of the Net to match the limited visions of the regulator” Michael Powell, former Chairman, FCC

4 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “ Computers have failed to make a difference because we have crammed them into traditional classrooms.” Michael Horn, co-author, Disrupting Class

5 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “The fates guide those who go willingly; those that do not, they drag.” Seneca

6 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “It is perfectly normal in times of great change to resist growth, to look backwards, to reject visionary leaders, to reject the obvious, to try to put on the brakes.” Jennifer James, anthropologist

7 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC The institutionalization of online learning is not about a system competing with the traditional K-12 schools. It also is not about disseminating new instructional technologies. It is essentially about educational improvement, school reform, and improving academic performance in America’s high schools. Smith, Clark & Blomeyer

8 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC "Every technology revolution takes twice as long as we expected, and half as long as we are prepared for" Michael Malone’s "Third Law of Technology"

9 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “If I celebrate the fall of the (Berlin) wall, it is because I am convinced of how much we can learn from each other. Most knowledge is learning from the other across the border.” Amartya Sen, Nobel Prize-winning economist

10 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “The real Digital Divide is between schools and the rest of society.” Allen Schmieder

11 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “The single biggest problem facing education today is that our Digital Immigrant instructors, who speak an outdated language (that of the pre-digital age), are struggling to teach a population that speaks an entirely new language.” Marc Prensky, “Digital Natives; Digital Immigrants”

12 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “The challenge is being able to live with not being able to keep up.” Steve Gilbert

13 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “I used to teach a course on interpersonal communications to a lecture hall of 500 students.” Mark Milliron

14 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “The Mosaic browser started out in 1993 with twelve users, and I knew all twelve.” Marc Andreessen, Mosaic developer

15 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Against online learning? Which part are you against: online or learning?” Susan Patrick, NACOL

16 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “We shape our buildings, and afterwards, our buildings shape us.” Winston Churchill

17 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “If a game sounds frivolous, call it a simulation. “If a simulation sounds too stuffy or expensive, call it a game.” William Horton, e-Learning by Design

18 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Do not limit a child to your own learning, for he was born in another time.” Rabbinic saying

19 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “You are your Google results.” Jackie Huba, Marketing author

20 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Using technology to teach using traditional methods will only lead to traditional results.” John Bailey, former Director, Office of Instructional Technology, U.S. Dept. of Education

21 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “I rarely approach any assignment or question without first consulting online resources. Practically every area of my life has been impacted by my experiences on the web. The Internet has been a gift to my life.” High school girl

22 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “I would be very careful about making online learning too much like the old system because you will kill the disruptive innovation.” Michael Horn, co-author, Disrupting Class

23 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Telematics not only lets people do things differently, it also lets them do different things, and this is where its greatest power lies.” David Thornburg

24 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Many of the people who use Powerpoint have no power and no point.” Mark Milliron

25 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Enlightenments are always tipping points. And tipping points are always times of burning witches.” Jennifer James, anthropologist

26 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC "Putting a computer in front of a child and expecting it to teach him is like putting a book under his pillow, only more expensive." Anonymous

27 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC "Nothing is as expensive as living in the past.“ Robinson Davies

28 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “This is the 21 st century. Ours is a world of 24 hour news cycles, global markets, and instant messaging. Our education system should reflect the times we’re living in.“ Rod Paige, former U.S. Secretary of Education

29 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Either this man is dead or my watch has stopped.” Groucho Marx

30 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “It is very likely that our students’ brains have physically changed - and are different from ours - as a result of how they grew up (with digital technologies).” Marc Prensky, “Digital Natives; Digital Immigrants”

31 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Those who teach only face-to-face are guilty of professional malpractice.” Chris Dede, Harvard University

32 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Technologies are relentlessly and seamlessly merging, and lines separating the traditional classroom, the technology- enhanced classroom, and distance learning are disappearing rapidly.” Billie Wahlstrom, Univ. of MN

33 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important.” Bill Gates

34 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “For the first time in history our job as educators is to prepare our students for a future that we can not clearly describe.” David Warlick, educator, author

35 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Our dollars are better spent on learning than [on] bricks and mortar.” Bill Green, Minneapolis Superintendent, on the district’s plan to close 6 buildings.

36 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Our education system has mined our minds in the way we stripmine the earth: for a particular commodity - and for the future it won’t service.” Ken Robinson

37 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Should you wait for your learning Sputnik?” Fabrizio Cardinali, CEO, Giunti Labs and Chair, European eLearning Industry Group

38 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “When the rate of change outside exceeds the rate of change inside, the end is in sight.” Jack Welch, former CEO, General Electric

39 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “We need to unlearn that teaching is isolating, unlearn that cooperative learning means good kids do all the work. Unlearning is harder than learning.” Chris Dede, Harvard University

40 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” Andy Warhol

41 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Michigan Virtual University’s largest cadre of students is living in the University of Michigan’s dorms.” Mark Milliron

42 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “I learned from books. These kids are learning from the whole world.” Chinese teacher of English, Beijing

43 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Technology is anything invented after you were 30 years old.” Tom Kyte, Vice President, Oracle

44 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “It’s very egalitarian... In a virtual school, no one’s overweight, no one has pimples, and no one stutters. I don’t know what their color is, what their gender is, or what clothes they’re wearing.” Bruce Droste, VHS

45 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Arthur C. Clarke

46 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “…the medium is never neutral. How we organize and transmit our perceptions and knowledge about the world strongly affects the nature of those perceptions and the way we come to know the world.” Harold Adam Innis

47 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “The best way to predict the future is to invent it yourself.” Alan Kay

48 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “(Online learning) will transform learning as we know it. Alas, we may escape the strangulation of the agricultural calendar.” Pew Internet & American Life (2005)

49 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Socrates met with students in the town square to dialog. We are moving towards Socratic Education 2.0.” Fabrizio Cardinali, CEO, Giunti Labs and Chair, European eLearning Industry Group

50 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Infusing collaboration into the learning environment is what sets the online environment apart from the traditional face- to-face classroom. If the learning activities do not use this collaboration, they are not taking advantage of the properties of this environment.” Rena Palloff

51 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.” Eric Hoffer

52 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Which leaders are telling a compelling story of the future – and which are offering a compelling story of the past?” Jennifer James, anthropologist

53 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Email is what old people send me.” Middle school student

54 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “The Internet was developed to help the country survive a nuclear holocaust. Schools are not going to be able to keep it out.” Tim Magner, Director of Education Technology, U.S. Dept. of Education

55 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Nothing stops an organization faster than people who believe the way you worked yesterday is the best way to work tomorrow.” Jon Madonna, Chairman, KPMG International

56 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “When Shakespeare was 7, he was in someone’s English class. How annoying would that be!?” Ken Robinson

57 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Education is no longer a cottage industry; it is now a global export.” Susan Patrick, CEO, NACOL

58 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “It is perfectly understood that in distance education we would sometimes want to meet face-to-face. Why isn’t it just as accepted for traditional education to meet online?” Chris Dede, Harvard University

59 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “As for the future, your task is not to foresee it, but to enable it.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

60 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Governments are almost always about geography, jurisdiction, and centralized control. The internet is always about: unhindered by geography, dismissive of jurisdiction, and decentralized in its control.” Michael Powell, former Chairman, FCC

61 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC Our Age of Anxiety is, in great part, the result of trying to do today’s jobs with yesterday’s tools. Marshall McLuhan

62 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Why does it take so long to commit to the obvious, and why is common sense not common practice?” Jennifer James, anthropologist

63 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC "The Internet is an elite organization; most of the population of the world has never even made a phone call." Noam Chomsky

64 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC ”The Internet is my education. I get all my information off the Internet. I don’t even look at books anymore." High school boy

65 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “If we do not embrace technology, we will be obsolete.” Gene Wilhoit, Executive Director, Council of Chief State School Officers

66 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Education is the only business still debating the usefulness of technology.” Rod Paige, former U.S. Secretary of Education

67 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “It’s easier to imagine the real world wasting away while avatars have interesting lives than it is to imagine an education system filled with River- City-type experiences.” Chris Dede, Harvard University

68 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Schooling has confused us into thinking that learning is equivalent to pouring content into people’s heads.” Jay Cross

69 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Virtual learning does not mean virtual people (avatars) in virtual classrooms watching virtual powerpoints.” Tony O’Driscoll

70 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Change is hard. Change is hardest on those caught by surprise…But change is natural; change is not new; change is important.” Tom Friedman, “The World is Flat”

71 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Online learning and virtual schools have the opportunity to become transformational within existing systems, not just an alternative to existing systems.” Tim Magner, Director of Education Technology, U.S. Dept. of Education

72 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “We’re trying to modify an Edsel to a Corvette going 90 miles per hour.” Texas college administrator comparing traditional education and distance learning

73 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Where you live determines the quality of your education. Distance education is the great leveler.” Tom Layton, Oregon CyberSchool

74 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Today’s students, of almost any age, are far ahead of their teachers in computer literacy. They prefer to access subject information on the Internet, where it is more abundant, more accessible and more up-to-date.” National Ed. Tech. Plan

75 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Technology can not improve education. The thoughtful application of technology may be able to improve education.” Mark Milliron,

76 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “The more technology pushes, the more humanity pushes back, and the struggle is for the balance.” Jennifer James, anthropologist

77 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Clearly it is now possible for more people than ever to collaborate and compete in real time with more other people on more different kinds of work from more different corners of the planet and on a more equal footing than at any previous time in the history of the world.” Tom Friedman, “The World is Flat”

78 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “The classroom is flat.” David Warlick, educator, author

79 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Playing games is an ideal form of preparation for the workplace of the 21st century, as some forward-thinking firms are already starting to realise.” The Economist, August 2005

80 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC “Never try to teach a goat to sing. It wastes your time and it annoys the goat.” Yiddish proverb

81 Compiled by David B. Glick & Associates, LLC Email Serenity Prayer: “God grant me the Serenity to accept the emails I cannot get to, the Time to answer the ones I should, and the Wisdom to know the difference.” Mark Milliron

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