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Presentation English Informative Speech & Gestures Week 4 Kuei-Min Huang, PhD.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation English Informative Speech & Gestures Week 4 Kuei-Min Huang, PhD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation English Informative Speech & Gestures Week 4 Kuei-Min Huang, PhD

2 Today’s Outline Review on Posture and Eye Contact Informative Speech Gestures (if time)

3 p. 14, In Groups of 4 Good evening. My name is. Today, I’ll tell you above my favorite subject - Science. Science is a subject everyone has to study in primary school education.

4 3 steps in Presentation 1. Tell them what you are going to tell them. 2. Tell them. 3. Tell them what you have told them. Why these 3 steps?

5 Informative Speech Giving an informative speech is like teaching. The success of your speech depends on whether the audience learns what you wanted to teach.

6 Speech Skill Eye contact – for checking audience’s comprehension

7 Episode 1 What is the topic of her informative speech? How many points does she have? Now watch the video again, and complete the grid in p. 16

8 Speech Preparation For informative Speech, you will use a quadrant to help you prepare a presentation on the city you recommend visiting

9 Exercise, 3 people in 1 Group Step 1- Plan: use the handout to help you brainstorm Step 2 – Prepare: Use photographs or draw pictures yourself Step 3 – Practice: Concentrate on your posture and eye contact Step 4 – Perform: Next week

10 Gestures Number/ Sequence Emphasis/ Focus Illustration/ Location Comparison/ Contrast

11 Using Gestures Find a partner Student A please look at p. 23 Student B please look at p. 24

12 Homework, p.22 I’ll upload the recording to ‘ 我的電子學 習平台 ’ by Friday. You can download it and practice at home for p. 22 step 2.

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