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The quantum kicked rotator First approach to “Quantum Chaos”: take a system that is classically chaotic and quantize it.

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Presentation on theme: "The quantum kicked rotator First approach to “Quantum Chaos”: take a system that is classically chaotic and quantize it."— Presentation transcript:

1 The quantum kicked rotator First approach to “Quantum Chaos”: take a system that is classically chaotic and quantize it.

2 Classical kicked rotator One parameter map; can incorporate all others into choice of units

3 Diffusion in the kicked rotator K = 5.0; strongly chaotic regime. Take ensemble of 100,000 initial points with zero angular momentum, and pseudo-randomly distributed angles. Iterate map and take ensemble average at each time step

4 Diffusion in the kicked rotator System can get “trapped” for very long times in regions of cantori. These are the fractal remnants of invarient tori. K = 1.0; i.e. last torus has been destroyed (K=0.97..).

5 Diffusion in the kicked rotator

6 Assume that angles are random variables; i.e. uncorrelated

7 Diffusion in the kicked rotator

8 Central limit theorem Characteristic function for the distribution

9 Central limit theorem Characteristic function of a joint probability distribution is the product of individual distributions (if uncorrelated) And Fourier transform back gives a Gaussian distribution – independent of the nature of the X random variable!

10 Quantum kicked rotator How do the physical properties of the system change when we quantize? Two parameters in this Schrodinger equation; Planck’s constant is the additional parameter.

11 The Floquet map


13 F is clearly unitary, as it must be, with the Floquet phases as the diagonal elements.

14 The Floquet map

15 Floquet map for the kicked rotator

16 Rational  quantum resonance Continuous spectrum Quadratic growth; has no classical counterpart

17 Irrational  transient diffusion Only for short time scales can diffusive behavior be seen Spectrum of Floquet operator is now discrete.

18 …and localization!

19 Quantum chaos in ultra-cold atoms All this can be seen in experiment; interaction of ultra-cold atoms (micro Kelvin) with light field; dynamical localization of atoms is seen for certain field modulations.

20 Rational  quantum resonance


22 Irrational  transient diffusion

23 System does not “feel” discrete nature of spectrum Rapidly oscillating phase cancels out, only zero phase term survives Since F is a banded matrix then the U’s will also all be banded, and hence for l, k, k’ larger than some value there is no contribution to sum.

24 Tight-binding model of crystal lattice

25 Disorder in the on-site potentials One dimensional lattice of 300 sites; Ordered system: zero on-site potential. Disordered system: pseudo-random on-site potentials in range [-0.5,0.5] with t=1. Peaks in the spectrum of the ordered system are van Hove singularities; peaks in the spectrum of the disordered system are very different in origin

26 Localisation of electrons by disorder On-site orderOn-site disorder Probability of finding system at a given site (y-axis) plotted versus energy index (x-axis); magnitude of probability indicated by size of dots.

27 TB Hamiltonian from a quantum map



30 If  is irrational then x distributed uniformly on [0,1] Thus the analogy between Anderson localization in condensed matter and the angular momentum (or energy) localization is quantum chaotic systems is established.

31 Next weeks lecture Proof that on-site disorder leads to localisation Husimi functions and (p,q) phase space Examples of quantum chaos: Quantum chaos in interaction of ultra-cold atoms with light field. Square lattice in a magnetic field. Some of these topics..

32 Resources used “Quantum chaos: an introduction”, Hans-Jurgen Stockman, Cambridge University Press, 1999. (many typos!) “The transition to chaos”: L. E. Reichl, Springer-Verlag (in library) On-line: A good scholarpedia article about the quantum kicked oscillator; Other links which look nice (Google will bring up many more).

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