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College Algebra K/DC Monday, 21 September 2015 OBJECTIVE TSW review for the test on M-M-M, R.2, R.3. ASSIGNMENT DUE TOMORROW –WS Review for Test.

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Presentation on theme: "College Algebra K/DC Monday, 21 September 2015 OBJECTIVE TSW review for the test on M-M-M, R.2, R.3. ASSIGNMENT DUE TOMORROW –WS Review for Test."— Presentation transcript:

1 College Algebra K/DC Monday, 21 September 2015 OBJECTIVE TSW review for the test on M-M-M, R.2, R.3. ASSIGNMENT DUE TOMORROW –WS Review for Test

2 TEST TOPICS: M-M-M, AV, Polynomials Calculate the mean, median, mode, and range. –Use these in applications. Evaluate absolute value expressions. Solve absolute value applications. Find distances. Polynomials –Use the Rules for Exponents –Zero Exponent Rule –Add and Subtract –Multiply –Divide

3 QUIZ: M-M-M, AV 1) a)17.222 b)22 c)24 d)19 2) 25 numbers 3)79 4)$6.35 5) Mean = 68.2 median = 65 You should report the mean score. 6) 1 7) 7 8) 7 / 6 9) 17 / –4 10)15 and 35 11)i)|132 – 140| = 8 ii)|147 – 140| = 7 12)137

4 QUIZ: Sec. R.2 – R.3 ANSWERS 1 – 4)Irrational #’s: Rational #’s: Integers: Natural #’s: 5 – 7)d(R, P) = 12 d(P, K) = 16 d(Y, O) = 19 8/10) 9/8)10/9) Form B/Form A)

5 QUIZ: Sec. R.2 – R.3 ANSWERS 11/12)12/13)13/11) 14/15) 15/14)19/18) 16/17)20/21) 17/16)21/20) 18/19)

6 WS Review: MMM, Sec. R.2 – R.3 ANSWERS

7 Suggested Review Problems

8 Suggested Review Problems ANSWERS

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