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Water Reforms In Zimbabwe The triger of the reforms.

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Presentation on theme: "Water Reforms In Zimbabwe The triger of the reforms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Reforms In Zimbabwe The triger of the reforms

2 The trigger of the reforms b The drought of 1991/92 b Increased conflict b Delays in conflict resolution b Delays in processing water rights b degradation of water due to pollution b recognition of groundwater as a public resource b The need to protect people in urban area vs agricultural activities

3 The drought of 1991/92 b Problem fish and animal deathfish and animal death water shortages in most urban centreswater shortages in most urban centres conflict between farmers and urbanconflict between farmers and urban conflict among farmersconflict among farmers

4 The drought of 1991/92 b Measures Water rationingWater rationing water shortage area declaredwater shortage area declared Groundwater shortage areas declaredGroundwater shortage areas declared Water redistributionWater redistribution emergency schemes startedemergency schemes started dippening of borehole in rural areasdippening of borehole in rural areas

5 Major areas heavily affected b Harare b Bulawayo b Mutare b Chegutu b Mupfure Catchment

6 Harare b Concentrations of pollution in Chivero were greatly increased b fish died in the lake b The hycnth weed went wild in the lake b It was realized that pollution of river degraded the resource

7 Bulawayo b There was a serious water shortage b Are was declared a groundwater control area b severe water rationing introduced b boreholes were drilled in the City b water supply was erratic b Nyamadhlovu project was started

8 Mutare b There was a serious water shortage b Area was declared a groundwater control area b severe water rationing introduced b boreholes were drilled in the City b water supply was erratic b Odzi project was started (but not finished up to now)

9 Chegutu b There was a serious water shortage b Area was declared a groundwater control area b severe water rationing introduced b boreholes were drilled in the City b water supply was erratic b Manyame-Chegutu canal project was started (but not finished)

10 Mupfure catchment b Conflict between Chegutu and farmers peaked b Mupfure catchment was declared a water shortage area b committee was set up to produce a status report b it was realized that the process was lengthy

11 Increased conflict b Conflict among users increased tremedously b the administrative court was flooded with court cases b reports of illegal water abstraction increased b

12 Delays in conflict resolution b Conflict resolution mechanisms took a long time to be dealt with b many cases were concluded after the period of drought b the water shortage declaration in Mupfure was only realized after the drought period b plans to alleviate drought should form an integral part of the long term plan of a city by involving the local authorities

13 Delays in processing water rights b The years flowing the drought saw a marked increase in water right applications b The administrative court failed to clear the back log in applications b and many smaller ones

14 Lessons learnt b Groundwater was a valuable resources for combating drought b the existing conflict resolution institution could not cope with water cases b the declaration of water shortage areas was cumbersome b primary uses in urban areas were not protected against other uses b It was realized that pollution of river degraded the water resource b many ilegal structures were being erected eg Masembura dam, Arcadia dam (in Mazoe)

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