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Chapter 1 Entrepreneurial Traits. Conceptual Approaches to Understanding Entrepreneurs ‘Great Person’ approach Motivations Socio-cultural-demographic.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 1 Entrepreneurial Traits. Conceptual Approaches to Understanding Entrepreneurs ‘Great Person’ approach Motivations Socio-cultural-demographic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 1 Entrepreneurial Traits

2 Conceptual Approaches to Understanding Entrepreneurs ‘Great Person’ approach Motivations Socio-cultural-demographic profiles Entrepreneurial ‘types’ The ‘trait’ approach Cognitive or learning

3 Five Factors of Personality Neuroticism or emotional stability Extraversion Conscientiousness Openness to experience Agreeableness

4 Critiquing Entrepreneurial Personality Traits Understand personality holistically Socio-demographic variables cannot be isolated from personality characteristics Methodologies used to identify traits Conflicting results in terms of the relative importance of specific traits. Assumption that entrepreneurial behaviour is a function of personality Ascribing personality characteristics: classical entrepreneurs vs. those with entrepreneurial characteristics or ‘lifestyle entrepreneurs’

5 The Big Five Personality Domains - Extraversion Confidence Dynamism Optimism Sense of power Aggressiveness Capacity for enjoyment

6 The Big Five Personality – Open to Experience Resourcefulness Versatility Creativity Intelligence Independence Imagination Perceptiveness

7 The Big Five Personality Domains– Neuroticism Rebelliousness Courage

8 The Big Five Personality Domains – Agreeableness Honesty Integrity Sensitivity to others Trusting of colleagues Co-operativeness

9 The Big Five Personality Domains – Conscientiousness Perseverance Determination Need to achieve Efficiency Commitment Thoroughness Accuracy Responsibility

10 Key themes in entrepreneurial traits Need for achievement Need for autonomy Self-belief Risk-taking Locus of control

11 Gender – Male- and Entrepreneurial Traits Opinionated and persuasive Goal-oriented Innovative and idealistic High level of self-confidence Enthusiastic and energetic Must be own boss

12 Gender – Female- and Entrepreneurial Traits Flexible and tolerant Goal-oriented Creative and idealistic Medium level of self-confidence Enthusiastic and energetic Ability to deal with the social and economic environment

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