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Oslo, 16 th -18 th of October ICT in Education Policies Looking at good practices in Europe.

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Presentation on theme: "Oslo, 16 th -18 th of October ICT in Education Policies Looking at good practices in Europe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oslo, 16 th -18 th of October ICT in Education Policies Looking at good practices in Europe

2 Oslo, 16 th -18 th of October 2003 ITU Conference Presentation  EC Working Group ICT in education  Criteria for selecting good policies  Contributions: 58 «Good policy examples»  Criteria used in contributions  Problematic dimensions in integrating ICT in education  Key issues

3 Oslo, 16 th -18 th of October 2003 ITU Conference EC Working Group ICT in education «Concrete strategic objectives » (Lisbon 2000): – Increase the quality and effectiveness – Facilitate the access of all – Open up education and training systems to the wider world. Open Method of Co-ordination: Benchmarking and evaluation Selecting and exchanging «good» and «best» practices Composition of ICT Working Group

4 Oslo, 16 th -18 th of October 2003 ITU Conference Selecting «good» practices Key questions What is a «good» or «best» pedagogical practice? What is a «good» or «best» policy? How are « good » practices selected? Who does the selection? What are the criteria?

5 Oslo, 16 th -18 th of October 2003 ITU Conference Criteria used in selection of « good » practices Studies on the integration of ICT into education Focussing on practices, such as CERI (OECD), School Portraits, SITES 2, IMPACT2,… Focussing on policies, such as eWatch, L-Change, BEEP: Study on Best eEurope Policies ENIS: European Network of Innovative Schools

6 Oslo, 16 th -18 th of October 2003 ITU Conference Defining policies Policies  programmes, strategies, measures, initiatives or action plans «Policies are 1) a coherent set of goals and priorities 2) covering an extended period of duration 3) implying a steady and constant allocation of funding and resources.» (eWatch)

7 Oslo, 16 th -18 th of October 2003 ITU Conference SITES2 2 nd Information Technology in Education Study Innovative practices:  Significant changes in teacher and student roles or activities, in curriculum goals, in, content or in assessment;  Technology plays an essential role  Measurable student outcomes  Sustainable & transferable practices  Preparing students for lifelong learning in the information society

8 Oslo, 16 th -18 th of October 2003 ITU Conference Innovative practices  Innovation:  Something newly introduced  New method, custom, device, etc  Change in the way of doing things  Innovative  Inventive, fertile in solutions or resources,  New, recent, never existing before, existing for the first time, modern, fashionable, unfamiliar, strange, foreign,

9 Oslo, 16 th -18 th of October 2003 ITU Conference Technological innovation Available technology determines pedagogical use ‘80: programming Proficiency programs: practice and drill Word processing & Databases AI-CAL, Simulation programs Hypertext and Semantic Webs, Multimedia, Hypermedia Internet and World Wide Web Online lifelong learning environments (VLE)

10 Oslo, 16 th -18 th of October 2003 ITU Conference Pedagogical Innovation New role for learner: More active learners More learner initiative and control  New role for teacher:  Not only expert but also advisor, catalyst, technician and designer  Individual, group, collaborative work Focus on new methods, new curriculum,… Greater personalisation of content

11 Oslo, 16 th -18 th of October 2003 ITU Conference Social Innovation Social inclusion fighting the digital divide Lifelong learning initiatives Larger user participation, parents, … Establishing eLearning/ICT in education E-democracy, e-Government and e- Administration

12 Oslo, 16 th -18 th of October 2003 ITU Conference « Innovation as a criteria » Are all innovative practices or policies good? Are they all desirable? Why is innovative ICT such a compelling power? Is this true only for the education systems?

13 Oslo, 16 th -18 th of October 2003 ITU Conference Criteria used for selecting policies Two most used critieria of «good policy»: Addressing educ. issues considered strategic such as teacher education, motivating students Having been formally evaluated as an ongoing process through an external procedure Other criteria: official recognition, important impact, or based on a successful public-private partnership,…

14 Oslo, 16 th -18 th of October 2003 ITU Conference Four generations of policies 1) Technological infrastructure 2) ICT Training of teachers: technological, pedagogical and organisational 3) Uses of ICT in the learning process: resources 4) From institutional to open learning environments, services Sequential approach vs simultaneous one

15 Oslo, 16 th -18 th of October 2003 ITU Conference Problematic dimensions Implementing change in education Organising ICT based learning environments Setting up new assessable educational ICT goals, criteria and indicators Investing on evaluation and research

16 Oslo, 16 th -18 th of October 2003 ITU Conference Importance of educational visions Many policies have short term objectives Action Plans to develop technology At best operational objectives Not only equip learners for the information society, but identifiy the specific goals attainable only with ICT Need for specific ICT objectives embeddded in education future «Visions» or global frame of reference for education systems

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