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Crystal Shawne Fish Candy Serena. IGCC Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle It is an advanced power system can combinate the coal gasification technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Crystal Shawne Fish Candy Serena. IGCC Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle It is an advanced power system can combinate the coal gasification technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Crystal Shawne Fish Candy Serena

2 IGCC Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle It is an advanced power system can combinate the coal gasification technology and highly efficient combined-cycle. 1. Coal gasification and purification 2. gas - steam combined cycle power

3 Coal gasification technology. It can change meterial to carbon monoxide and hydrogen. temperature and pressure Coal synthesis gas

4 Loop ! Capture carbon cioxide is important Gas stream and waste heat are sources







11 The clean coal can be popularized to modern society? Criticism Environmentalists believes that the term clean coal is misleading.

12 Critics : Clean coal - continuing construction of coal- powered plants - encourages unsustainable mining practices for coal. - there can be a large amount of energy required and pollution emitted in transporting the coal to the power plants.

13 Clean coal They view emissions and wastes as not being avoided but instead transferred from one waste stream to another.

14 The advantages of coal 1)Coal conversion ------coal vaporization technology : the vaporization of coal can transform the coal to clean gaseous products,on the one hand,we can use it to make clean civil gas fuel, ------coal liquefaction technology : the liquefaction of coal is a kind of technology that can transform solid coal to liquid fuel and industrial chemicals.

15 2)Coal processing Using physical methods to process the raw coal before they put into use.This is the premise of rational coal and the most economical way to reduce pollution from coal burning 3)Clean combustion and power generation technology 4)Pollution control and resource recycling rechnology

16 Why are we going to liquefy the coal instead of just utilizing it? Coal has the most abundant reserves and the most widespread distribution all over the world. China: 1st output of coal & 3rd reserves of coal What is the coal liquefaction? German in 1913 WW Ⅱ 1970s oil crisis

17 Direct conversion liquefaction Indirect conversion liquefaction Fischer-Tropsch synthesis nCO+2nH2─→[ - CH2 - ]n+nH2O H2O + CO → H2 + CO2

18 ·Carbon capture CO2 : Embedding deeply in soil. Advantage: less cost. Purpose: Helping European Union discharges 10% less CO2. Changing it into soil state.

19 Application ·Desulfurization ·At most 98 percent. ·Separating carbon\ iron\ quartz\ silicon. · Carbon dioxide--- zero release.

20 Why it is so important?


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