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1 Context of the training in the regions Train the Trainers February 23-24, 2010 Université de Montréal Montréal,QC Gaëtan Drolet DLI section Statistics.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Context of the training in the regions Train the Trainers February 23-24, 2010 Université de Montréal Montréal,QC Gaëtan Drolet DLI section Statistics."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Context of the training in the regions Train the Trainers February 23-24, 2010 Université de Montréal Montréal,QC Gaëtan Drolet DLI section Statistics Canada

2 2 Objectives of the presentation On the basis of the survey results: ● Provide the appropriate information to the DLI Education Committee, the regional training coordinators, and future trainers ● Facilitate planning the regional training ● Learn more about the conditions and training needs confronting DLI contacts and designates


4 4 Q5 Among all your responsibilities, do you consider yourself a resource person for... ? Expressed in %

5 5 Q7 Percentage of your work devoted to data by region and establishment size

6 6 Q4 For how long... have you been a DLI contact in your establishment?

7 7 In summary: The working environment Establishments can be grouped by size, with 25% in each of the following quartiles: Very small (<5K), small (5 – 10K), medium (10 – 20K) and large (20K+). Half of respondents in small establishments had less than five years experience, while 64% had between six and ten years experience in the largest establishments. Approximately 70% were assigned responsibility for data in their description of functions. DLI contacts wear many hats with several variants (very small, small, and medium-sized establishments). Percentage of work devoted to data: between 11% and 60%. The number of designates varies across regions. DLI contacts see themselves as resource persons for data (55%) and for government publications (35%). Variety of data-retrieval systems used. Less than 50% provide a dedicated data service.


9 9 Q39In your capacity as a DLI contact, do you regularly attend DLI training workshops?

10 10 Q42Overall, what is your level of satisfaction with DLI training?

11 11 Q43Topics of the training and their importance  The categories "Important" and "Very important" are combined.  The highest and lowest rankings are presented.  The results are presented, first for the regions, and then for Canada as a whole.  To identify the least important training elements in each region, we selected the least important from the 18 in question 43.

12 12 Q43 The most important topics and modes of training:

13 13 Q43 The least important topics and modes of training

14 14 Synopsis of the importance of various elements of training The most important topics of collective training: - Regional workshops - Thematic presentations by StatCan representatives - Presentations by the DLI Unit - Practical training The least important for all regions: - National workshops

15 15 Q45 Your knowledge and competencies  How would you assess your competency and knowledge with respect to the 12 elements of Q45?  The categories "Competent" and "Very competent" are combined.  The results are presented, first for the regions, and then for Canada as a whole.

16 16 Q45 Evaluation of your knowledge and competency with respect to the following elements:

17 17 Q45Evaluation of your knowledge and competency with respect to the following elements:

18 18 In summary:knowledge and competencies of DLI contacts  All regions declare themselves comfortable with: - The census - Finding and retrieving aggregate data - Knowledge of DLI surveys o But declare themselves less comfortable with: - Using statistical software to manipulate the variables - Using statistical software to, spss,.por, etc. files - Knowledge of data from outside the DLI - Statistical and data literacy

19 Characteristics of designates Have served in that capacity for 4.66 years (n=31/46) Percentage of their time devoted to data (30.7%), SIG (20.5%), other tasks (48.8%) 42.5% participate in classroom DLI training (Contacts 54% – 85%) 53.3% have attended DLI workshops Level of satisfaction with training received from DLI 4.19 (Contacts 4.13 – 4.58)

20 20 According to your comments: the clientele of DLI training  The primary clientele of the DLI training program: DLI contacts  Respondents identified other types of clients requiring DLI training: Designates Students Professors Researchers/Managers Reference librarians/library technicians

21 Train the trainers Train the contacts Train the designates Train the colleagues Train the users Coordinators Current trainers Future trainers DLI contacts Designates Reference, FedPubs, GIS Librarians Students, professors, researchers, managers The continuum of training

22 22 Avenues for discussion Accounting for regional characteristics:  Fewer experienced DLI contacts may also signify a smaller pool of individuals available to provide this training. Does this indicate a need for increased and more targeted training? How do we rise to this challenge?  Does establishment size factor into planning DLI training? If yes, how?  Some establishments state that they field questions about the statistics rather than about the microdata. Should this be reflected in the types of training offered?  Educating the designates? Some of them have requested more training at both the local and the regional level.  Does the DLI programme have a role to play in the local training of colleagues, researchers, and students?  Is the timing of the annual DLI workshop right?  What of the national workshop? Its role?

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