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Intensity I (W m-2)m-2). Intensity = Power  I = P A Area.

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Presentation on theme: "Intensity I (W m-2)m-2). Intensity = Power  I = P A Area."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intensity I (W m-2)m-2)

2 Intensity = Power  I = P A Area

3 Inverse square law  I d 2 = A A  I d2d2 B B

4 Photoelectric effect frequency current fofo

5 Energy of photons E = h f h is Planck’s constant

6 Intensity of photons I = N h f N is number of photons per second

7 Work function Minimum energy to release electron from a surface (E = h fo)fo)

8 Kinetic Energy E = h f - h fofo Energy above minimum appears as kinetic

9 Emission spectra violet red W2W2 W1W1 W0W0

10 Emission spectra W2 W2 – W1 W1 = h f Electron ‘jumps’ from excited level to lower level

11 Emission spectra Bright emission lines - more electrons

12 Absorption spectra Photon of energy h f W2W2 W1W1

13 Absorption spectra W2 W2 = W1 W1 + h f Electron absorbs radiation and ‘jumps’ to excited level

14 Spontaneous emission random process

15 Stimulated emission Photon (energy h f)f) can cause atom to emit photon (energy h f) in phase and same direction

16 Laser Stimulating photon (hf) E1E1 E0E0

17 Laser Monochromatic Coherent Intense

18 Semiconductors n-type p-type

19 n-type Conduction by negative electrons

20 p-type Conduction by ‘positive’ holes

21 Forward-biased p-type diode conducts n-type electrons

22 Reverse-biased p-type diode does not conduct n-type

23 Diode Forward-biased diode electron and hole recombine Photon (heat) emitted

24 LED Forward-biased diode electron and hole recombine Photon (light) emitted

25 photodiode Photovoltaic mode supplies power e.g. solar cell

26 photodiode Photoconductive mode (reverse bias) light sensor

27 MOSFET drain n-region implant n-channel enhancement MOSFET oxide layer gate source n-channel p-type substrate

28 MOSFET Can switch on a load. Apply gate voltage V GS to turn ‘on’ MOSFET

29 D load n-channel enhancement MOSFET G S IoIo 0 V + V V GS

30 MOSFET Can also be used as an AMPLIFIER

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