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Rhode Island Strategic Planning Process Expert Consultation.

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Presentation on theme: "Rhode Island Strategic Planning Process Expert Consultation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rhode Island Strategic Planning Process Expert Consultation

2 Agenda


4 (1)Greetings from RIDE (2) Quick introductions (3) Meet through 2 minute stories

5 2 Minute Stories (Close your eyes.) What is your most vivid educational memory from your K-12 years? Share at your table


7 (1) What if we starting the planning process by listening? 11,000 Rhode Islanders joined the process Dozens of student interviews 300 activity participants (2) What if we invited those most affected by education to make decisions about the future? 300 applicants for 26 seats Parents, students, educators, business, and higher education One of most diverse groups brought together Six Questions that Define our Process

8 (3) What if we treat plan writing like an engagement challenge rather than a writing challenge? Almost 5,000 active participants Over 2 dozen contributing organizations Hundreds of 1:1 interviews 150 person prototype response team (4) What if we train the our community team to think like designers? Rapid prototyping Optimism, Curiosity, Empathy Constant “user” feedback (~1000)

9 (5) What if we provide our community team with the staffing that we would need to do our best work? Regular customized reports Professional facilitation Access to local, regional, & national experts (6) What if we trust the decisions of our educational community? Total transparency Democratized decision-making Community as policy-maker/RIDE as staff


11 Composition of the ADT



14 11,000 person survey ~200 responses Prototype 1 Stakeholder interviews & data review ~400 responses Prototype 2 ~200 responses Prototype 3 Expert Interviews & Research December - April

15 Prototype 4 Expert Consultation Prototype 4 Coherence, Refinement, & Measures May - June Adoption & Launch Final Draft

16 FINAL PRODUCT A seven to ten page document that describes our state’s vision for PK-12 educational success in 2020 and the contributions of all major stakeholders to achieve that vision

17 MAY 1 & 2 GOALS

18 Goals for May 2 (1)Leave prototype 3 better than we found it: Resolving the challenge question Brightening/tightening Equity/excellence (2) Delivery clarity (though perhaps not unanimity) (2) In 1 ½ days of work, make a lasting impact on education in Rhode Island (3) Enjoy your time with one another and with our Ambassador Design Team and staff

19 (and therefore…) Goals for May 1 (1)Understanding the team and state context (2)Develop individual and group recommendations for the challenge question (3)Develop individual and group recommendations for tighten/brighten and equity/excellence (4)Prepare you fully for tomorrow and your role as part of the Ambassador Design Team


21 Challenge Questions: the biggest weakness plaguing each priority area Identified over the last five days through outreach to ~300 key stakeholders Privileges feedback from building administrators/superintendents If resolved, major step ahead for the design team and the planning process Your highest value-add to our process

22 Early Childhood Education: Give Every Child a Great Start Challenge Prologue Our engagement efforts have brought up two common issues that are both strategic and foundational to the early childhood priority. The first issue concerns the proposed age range (birth to third grade) covered in the prototype, questioning whether it should include birth to 3 and grades 1-3. The second issue seeks clarification about how RI’s “neediest” will be identified. Challenge Question 1: What is the highest impact age span for a public education early childhood focus? Challenge Question 2: What are the intended scope of services and eligibility guidelines?

23 Global Competency and Competitiveness: Preparing our Students for the Future Challenge Prologue Our engagement efforts have identified this priority as in need of clarification. Stakeholders expressed significant confusion about the unwieldy scope of this priority and question whether all the items belong together: (1) 21 st century skills, (2) social- emotional learning, (3) world and dual language programs, (4) cultural competency, and (5) English learner services. District and school leaders were clear: this one must be narrowed and sharpened. Challenge Question: What is this?

24 Instructions Tackling the Challenge Questions (1)Review report and make personal notes: 10 minutes (2) Share notes/discuss: 15 minutes (3) Develop group recommendation: 35 minutes (4) Rate your success

25 Step 1: Personal notes ( 10 minutes)

26 Step 2: Discussion: ( 15 minutes)

27 Step 3: Develop Recommendations ( 35 minutes)


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