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SADDLEBACK COLLEGE COMMUNITY BENCHMARK REPORT PRESENTATION Saddleback College Onsite Meeting November 2013, Mission Viejo, CA Pam Cox-Otto, Ph.D. - Interact.

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2 SADDLEBACK COLLEGE COMMUNITY BENCHMARK REPORT PRESENTATION Saddleback College Onsite Meeting November 2013, Mission Viejo, CA Pam Cox-Otto, Ph.D. - Interact Communications CEO and Head of Research

3 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK Research Summary A phone survey was conducted during June 7-14, 2013 400 residents of the Saddleback College district participated in the study This data was compared to a similar study that was conducted in 2008 SADDLEBACK COLLEGE COMMUNITY BENCHMARK REPORT PRESENTATION


5 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK SADDLEBACK COLLEGE COMMUNITY BENCHMARK REPORT PRESENTATION Demographics Average survey participant age was 46 In random calling, nearly two in five have attended Saddleback College 17.8 percent have no experience with Saddleback College Nearly three-quarters (72.5 percent) of respondents mentioned Saddleback College as “top-of-mind”


7 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK Race/Ethnicity Approximately three-quarters of the sample were White/Caucasian Hispanic/Latino respondents of varying backgrounds comprised 10.4 percent of the sample SADDLEBACK COLLEGE COMMUNITY BENCHMARK REPORT PRESENTATION

8 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK Education Level 98 % Had a high school education 3 in 5 completed a bachelor’s degree or higher Consistent with the region SADDLEBACK COLLEGE COMMUNITY BENCHMARK REPORT PRESENTATION


10 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK SADDLEBACK COLLEGE COMMUNITY BENCHMARK REPORT PRESENTATION Unaided Recall First Five Questions are Open Ended Name a college in this area (Top of Mind) What have you heard about Saddleback College Where did you hear that? How Long Ago? What programs, services or events come to mind when you think of Saddleback College?

11 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK Top of Mind Participants in this study were asked to name local colleges No Priming Who comes to mind is indicative of Primacy SADDLEBACK COLLEGE COMMUNITY BENCHMARK REPORT PRESENTATION

12 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK SADDLEBACK COLLEGE COMMUNITY BENCHMARK REPORT PRESENTATION Top of Mind When you think of local colleges, what colleges come to mind?

13 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK SADDLEBACK COLLEGE COMMUNITY BENCHMARK REPORT PRESENTATION Top of Mind Nearly ¾ of the sample named Saddleback College as the first college in the area that came to mind Significant increase from the 2008 results of 36.5 percent There was a marked decrease in the number of colleges mentioned; In 2008, 57 colleges were initially mentioned - - that has decreased to just 20 colleges in 2013 UC Irvine remains second in the area in “top of mind”

14 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK SADDLEBACK COLLEGE COMMUNITY BENCHMARK REPORT PRESENTATION What have you heard about Saddleback College? Percentage is calculated from the 400 participants 2013 greater awareness of Saddleback Half of the sample had heard of the college and know it as a community college Negative comments were primarily centered around the difficulty of getting classes

15 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK SADDLEBACK COLLEGE COMMUNITY BENCHMARK REPORT PRESENTATION Where did you hear that? Increase in awareness of Saddleback Greater than half of the sample suggests that people are talking about the college, and primarily have good things to say

16 NEW QUESTION in 2013 COMMUNITY BENCHMARK SADDLEBACK COLLEGE COMMUNITY BENCHMARK REPORT PRESENTATION What programs, services or events come to mind when you think of Saddleback College? 1 st : Transfer and General Education 2 nd : Sports/Athletics 3 rd : Theater and Performing Arts


18 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK SADDLEBACK COLLEGE COMMUNITY BENCHMARK REPORT PRESENTATION Items and Variables Six-point Likert scale, forced choice Measure levels of awareness, satisfaction and reputation Items measure a single element, but can be combined into variables Confidence Intervals of +/-5%

19 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK SADDLEBACK COLLEGE COMMUNITY BENCHMARK REPORT PRESENTATION Items and Variables The items and variables being benchmarked from 2008 to 2013 are: Relevance Support (Helping Students Succeed) Business and Industry Local Training Quality Job Efficacy Educational Value Transfer Responsiveness NEW in 2013: Funding Support Intentions toward Saddleback College

20 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK Relevance I am interested in information about Saddleback College. 1 in 3 “strongly disagree” that they are interested. Mode as well This was also true in 2008 5+% increase in those who are not interested

21 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK Relevance I pay attention to information about Saddleback College. 22.8 percent “slightly disagree” that they pay attention This is a 10% increase since 2008

22 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK Support Saddleback College offers services to help students do well in college. Statistically Significant Increase (7%) in Strength of Attitudes

23 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK Quality Saddleback College provides a high-quality education. Nearly 3 in 5 “agree” or “strongly agree” that Saddleback College provides high-quality education The perception of quality has increased slightly from 2008 to 2013

24 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK SADDLEBACK COLLEGE COMMUNITY BENCHMARK REPORT PRESENTATION Quality The quality of education you get at Saddleback College is not very good (r). ¾ of respondents “strongly disagree” or “disagree” that the quality of education received at Saddleback is not very good The Community is defensive on your behalf

25 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK Educational Value I think Saddleback College is a good educational value. Statistically Significant increase in perception of educational value (10.4%) The most frequent response was “strongly agree” with 36.9 percent

26 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK Educational Value I don’t think Saddleback College is a good educational value (r). 21% Shift in strength of attitudes toward educational value The community is strongly defensive of perceptions of value The mode (54.3%) was “strongly disagree”

27 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK Transfer Attending Saddleback College for two years and then transferring to a four-year college is a smart choice. Saddle made make huge strides in perception of being THE transfer path The mode was “strongly agree,” with 55.2 percent This is a 22% positive shift from 2008

28 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK Transfer It is difficult to transfer from Saddleback College to a four- year college or university (r). When asked if it is difficult to transfer from Saddleback, the most common response was “strongly disagree,” with 34.6 percent

29 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK Responsiveness Saddleback College is responsive to community needs. Still strong… but slipping 46.0 percent “agree” or “strongly agree” that Saddleback College is responsive to community needs The most frequent response was “agree,” with 28.6 percent. This a 10 percent decline from the 2008 result of 39.1 percent

30 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK Local Training Saddleback College is doing the right things to help people train for jobs in my community. 63.8 percent agree that the Saddleback College is doing the right things to train for jobs in the community Although 3 in 5 are positive, the most frequent response was “slightly disagree,” with 25.2 percent

31 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK Local Training Saddleback College needs to do more to help people train for jobs in my community (r). In 2008, more than 2 in 5 “agree or strongly agree” that the college should be doing more to help train for jobs in the community. This dropped to 1 in 3 in 2013

32 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK Job Efficacy Saddleback College is very effective in training people for jobs. Slightly more than 3 in 5 (62.9 percent) still think positively of job training, but there has been a negative shift in opinion over the last five years This is most likely environmentally based

33 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK Job Efficacy People who graduate from Saddleback College get good- paying jobs. The most frequent response in 2008 was “slightly agree,” with 31.8 percent The most frequent response in 2013 is “slightly disagree,” with 35.0 percent Job Market expectations are strongly suggested

34 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK Job Efficacy Employers respect technical training from Saddleback College. In 2008, the community was supportive of the technical training available at Saddleback College Technical training perception has seen a negative shift since 2008; slightly more than half (54.2 percent) are now ambivalent (“slightly disagree” or “slightly agree”)

35 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK Business and Industry Saddleback College is doing the right things to help business and industry. More than half (55%) agree Saddleback College is doing the right things However, the most frequent response was “slightly disagree” with 32.2 percent

36 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK Business and Industry Saddleback College needs to do more to help business and industry (r). Nearly 3 out of 5 disagree that Saddleback needs to do more to help business and industry Doing the Right Things versus More is the issue This disconnect with B&I could use more research


38 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK Funding Support How likely is it that you would consider making a donation to support Saddleback College? 15.6 percent are “somewhat likely, likely or very likely” to donate. The most frequent response was “not likely at all” (56.5 percent) Those willing to give tend to be female, 40+, and college educated

39 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK Funding Support How likely is it that you would consider making a donation to support scholarships for students at Saddleback College? 19.3% are “somewhat likely, likely or very likely” to support scholarships Those willing to give tend to be female, 35+, with some college

40 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK SADDLEBACK COLLEGE COMMUNITY BENCHMARK REPORT PRESENTATION Funding Support If you would consider supporting programs and services at Saddleback, what would those be? 149 participants said they had no interest in giving at all for any reason The largest percentage interest for donation would be to scholarship funds.


42 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK Intent by Purpose How likely is it that you or a family member would consider Saddleback College for job training to help you advance your career? Significant growth (12%) in the strongest attitudes. Significant decline (13%) in the extreme negative attitudes.

43 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK Intent by Purpose How likely is it that you or a family member would ever consider attending Saddleback College? 1/3 say they (or a family member) are “very likely” to consider attending Saddleback. This is a 17% shift in Extreme Positive attitudes. At the same time… a 12% decline in the extreme negative.

44 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK Intent by Purpose How likely is it that you or a family member would consider attending Saddleback College in order to transfer to a four-year college or university? 13% Swing in the VERY likely 16% Decline in the Not Likely Group

45 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK SADDLEBACK COLLEGE COMMUNITY BENCHMARK REPORT PRESENTATION Findings Saddleback has cemented its spot as a top college in the minds of respondents by a wide margin. Many of the shifts in the data from the Saddleback College community image survey may be attributed to economic and environmental factors. Saddleback continues to be known for quality and value of education. Given economic concerns, it is not surprising that the value of the transfer function has grown in popularity.

46 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK SADDLEBACK COLLEGE COMMUNITY BENCHMARK REPORT PRESENTATION Findings (2) The support measured for foundation and fundraising efforts is positive and consistent with community populations. The Foundation has a fertile field of potential donors, with one in five of the voter sample ready to consider a donation for scholarships. There is a sea-change in attitudes toward attending a Saddleback college. A large increase among those who think it’s a GREAT idea! A large decrease among the naysayers.

47 RESEARCH COMMUNITY BENCHMARK SADDLEBACK COLLEGE COMMUNITY BENCHMARK REPORT PRESENTATION Recommendations The general college marketing message of “good value” and “quality” has stuck in the minds of the community. The Foundation has a green light for extended development activities, and the community is ready to consider this. Transfer degrees are eclipsing career training in popularity and perceived value, and should continue to be touted in marketing efforts. There is a class availability issue (whether real or perceived) that needs to be addressed with the community.


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