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Psychology 137C: Intimate Relationships Week 1, Lecture 2: Methods Reminders : Course materials can be downloaded at: Access problems?

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Presentation on theme: "Psychology 137C: Intimate Relationships Week 1, Lecture 2: Methods Reminders : Course materials can be downloaded at: Access problems?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychology 137C: Intimate Relationships Week 1, Lecture 2: Methods Reminders : Course materials can be downloaded at: Access problems? Contact the TA. Miss a lecture? They are recorded and available for downloading at the web site of the UCLA Office of Instructional Resources. The texts are available and on reserve. Please read everything in the syllabus.

2 People Disagree about Intimate Relationships Attraction: Express interest or play hard to get? Conflict: Should couples embrace it or avoid it? Divorce: How does it affect children? How do we decide where the truth lies?

3 Methods Matter Direct experience matters, but people have different experiences. What if we want to give advice, or set policy? What tools have we got for sorting out different versions of the truth about intimate relationships?

4 What do we measure? Relationship science measures constructs. Relationship science measures constructs. Construct: Construct: An abstract idea (e.g., love, commitment, satisfaction) An abstract idea (e.g., love, commitment, satisfaction) Operationalization: Operationalization: The process of translating an abstract idea into concrete terms so it can be studied. The process of translating an abstract idea into concrete terms so it can be studied.

5 Example: How can we measure love? Strategy #1: Self-reports Strategy #1: Self-reports Some things you just have to ask about. Some things you just have to ask about.

6 The Love Scale Answer the following questions concerning your attitude toward your current romantic partner. Rate on a scale of 1 (indicating strong disagreement) to 9 (indicating strong agreement). 1.If my partner were feeling badly, my first duty would be to cheer him/her up. 2.I feel that I can confide in my partner about virtually everything. 3.I find it easy to ignore my partner’s faults. 4.I would do almost anything for my partner. 5.I feel very possessive toward my partner. 6.If I could never be with my partner, I would feel miserable. 7.If I were lonely, my first thought would be to seek my partner out. 8.One of my primary concerns is my partner’s welfare. 9.I would forgive my partner for practically anything. 10.I feel responsible for my partner’s well-being. 11.When I am with my partner, I spend a good deal of time just looking at him/her. 12.I would greatly enjoy being confided in by my partner. 13.It would be hard for me to get along without my partner. Source: From “Measurement of Romantic Love,” by Z. Rubin, 1970, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 16(2), pp. 265–273.

7 Pros and Cons of Self-Reports Pros: Pros: Easy to do Easy to do Cheap Cheap Quick Quick Sometimes gets at exactly what we want to know. Sometimes gets at exactly what we want to know. Cons: Cons: People do not always tell the truth. People do not always tell the truth. Research on violent behavior. Research on violent behavior. People do not always know the truth. People do not always know the truth. Jacobson & Moore, 1980. Jacobson & Moore, 1980.

8 So, how can we measure love? Strategy #2: Systematic Observation Strategy #2: Systematic Observation What should we observe? What should we observe? Verbal communication Non-verbal communication Written communication Biological responses

9 Pros and Cons of Observation Pros: Pros: Very relevant (if you choose well). Very relevant (if you choose well). Great detail. Great detail. Ability to define things. Ability to define things. Cons: Cons: Very expensive! Very expensive! Reactivity Reactivity The meaning problem The meaning problem

10 Designing Research Cross-sectional Research Helps with description Longitudinal Research Helps with prediction Cross-sectional vs. Longitudinal The case of the disappearing curve

11 Marital Satisfaction Over Time?

12 Marital Satisfaction Over Time!

13 Who Are We Studying? Intimate Relationships may differ for different groups of people Intimate Relationships may differ for different groups of people American vs. Chinese? Rich vs. Poor? Young vs. Old? Dating vs. Married? Studying individuals or couples? Studying individuals or couples?

14 Is This Ethical? The Power of Mere Questions The Power of Mere Questions The Effects of Being Studied The Effects of Being Studied Costs vs. Benefits Costs vs. Benefits Ethical Obligations Ethical Obligations

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