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第二课时 (Section A 3a ~ 3c) 一、根据句意选用方框中词的适当形式填空。 (5 × 3 分= 15 分 ) 1 . —Which do you prefer , tea or coffee? is OK.I like juice. 2 . He called me __ he arrived.

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Presentation on theme: "第二课时 (Section A 3a ~ 3c) 一、根据句意选用方框中词的适当形式填空。 (5 × 3 分= 15 分 ) 1 . —Which do you prefer , tea or coffee? is OK.I like juice. 2 . He called me __ he arrived."— Presentation transcript:

1 第二课时 (Section A 3a ~ 3c) 一、根据句意选用方框中词的适当形式填空。 (5 × 3 分= 15 分 ) 1 . —Which do you prefer , tea or coffee? is OK.I like juice. 2 . He called me __ he arrived home. 3 . The boy bought a__ for his father on Father's Day. 4 . Don't the ball like that.It may break the window. 5 . I wrote to my pen friend in the US last week , but she didn't__ Neither_ _as_soon_as shirt_ __throw reply__

2 第二课时 (Section A 3a ~ 3c) 二、根据句意选用方框中的词组的适当形式填空。 (5 × 3 分= 15 分 ) throw down , help out , in surprise , all the time , come over 6 . —Would you like to__ to my house next week? — Yes , I'd love to. 7 . Gina__ her bag and turned on the TV. 8 . James kept watching TV__ __ and never rested yesterday. 9 . The girl looked at her mother __ and asked “ When did you come back ? ” 10 . Tom gave me some advice and it__ me__out__ . come_over_ threw_down all_the_time in_surprise helped

3 第二课时 (Section A 3a ~ 3c) 三、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 (5 × 3 分= 15 分 ) 11 . The thief down all the things and ran away when he saw the police. 12 . —Cathy can't ride a bike. can her sister Cindy. 13 . My brother works in a company , he wears a clean to work on weekdays. 14 . “ What happened ? ” my mother asked in . 15 . “ Stop fighting ! ” the teacher shouted . threw — Neither shirt_ surprise angrily

4 第二课时 (Section A 3a ~ 3c) 四、根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形 式填空。 (5 × 3 分= 15 分 ) 16 . (final) , they took the advice. 17 . He didn't say __(something)and walked away. 18 . —Where is the rubbish? — I ( take)it out 5 minutes ago. 19 . My mother shouted__ __(angry)at me , “ Don't play computer games ! ” 20 . Helen is going to talk with you as soon as she__ __(finish)her work. _Finally __anything _took_ angrily finishes

5 第二课时 (Section A 3a ~ 3c) 五、单项选择。 (5 × 4 分= 20 分 ) 21 . (2014 ,漳州 )—Last night I didn't watch the TV show , A Bite of China Ⅱ. —__ did I . I was preparing for today's test then. A . So B . Either C . Neither 22 . (2014 ,鄂州 )—He was chosen to be a volunteer of the Olympic Games. —Great ! No one speaks English_ him. A . as beautiful as B . as badly as C . worse than D . better than 23 . (2014 ,菏泽 )—When will you return the book to me? —I'll give it to you__ I finish it. A . once B . until C . as soon as D . unless 24 . —Would you like some juice or coffee? —__ . I like green tea instead. A . Either B . Neither C . Both 25 . I take my dog for a _ in the park every morning. A . run B . walk C . sleep D . meal C_C_ _D__D_ C_C_ B_B_ _B_B

6 第二课时 (Section A 3a ~ 3c) 六、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 (5 × 4 分= 20 分 ) 26 .不要生他的气,他只是个孩子。 Don't__be__ __angry__ __with__him.He is only a child. 27 .我们晚饭后去遛狗吧! Let's__take__ __the___ __dog__ ____for__ __a__ __walk__after supper! 28 .你每天什么时候放学回家? When do you__come__ __home__ __from__ __school__every day? 29 .他们一直都在笑。 They were laughing__all__ __the__ __time__ . 30 .他和我都不喜欢唱歌跳舞。 __Neither__he__nor__I__am__interested in singing and dancing.

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