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Building Community Backbone Support and Infrastructure for Sustainability Marisue Garganta Director of Community Health Integration and Community Benefit.

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Presentation on theme: "Building Community Backbone Support and Infrastructure for Sustainability Marisue Garganta Director of Community Health Integration and Community Benefit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Community Backbone Support and Infrastructure for Sustainability Marisue Garganta Director of Community Health Integration and Community Benefit October 13, 2015

2 2 Dignity Health St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center

3 Setting the Stage Building from a space of strength (SOAR) Shifting the Paradigm from silos to collaborations Assessing your needs and identifying unified and shared vision Using the 5 Elements of Collective Impact Taking Action Elements and misconceptions of a Backbone Importance of Trust Arizona Communities of Care Lessons Learned 3

4 BUILDING A NEW FUTURE THROUGH ASSET-BASED STRATEGY USING S.O.A.R. WHAT IS S.O.A.R.? Results How do we know we are succeeding? Aspirations What do we care deeply about? Opportunities What are our stakeholders asking for? Strengths What can we build on? 4

5 SOAR: A NEW APPROACH TO STRATEGIC PLANNING o SOAR- Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations and Results  A more strength-based spin than SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) o A strategic planning framework that…  Focuses on strengths  Seeks to understand the whole system by including the voices of the relevant stakeholders. o Helps organizations focus on:  What they are doing well,  What skills can be improved and  What is most compelling to stakeholders. o Pushes organizations to develop strategic plans that are more dynamic, creative and optimistic. 5

6 Moving From Silos to Collaboration Collaboration PartneringSilosIndividual 6

7 Beginning your collaboration – A look inside Identify Identify organizations core and ethical compass Assess organizations internal and external work Develop Develop and define program’s principals of work Identify and share unified goals and vision-time for discernment Begin Begin the work of collective impact Sustaining the work 7

8 Identifying the Organizations Core and Ethical Compass Defining your mission, vision, and values Develop a frame of reference so that everyone is on the same page. If you do not have one, use the universal moral values to help make decisions. –Trustworthiness –Respect –Fairness –Caring –Citizenship 8

9 Assessing Internal and External Organization’s Work Who is your target audience? What are your doing for them? What assets does your organization have to offer? Internal Where are you serving them? When are you assisting them? What resources are available? External How are others providing the service? Why are you providing the service? Is the service still needed? Assets 9

10 Identifying a Unified and Shared Vision Shared Vision What is the need? What do we want to change? What is the problem? What assets are missing? 10

11 Using the 5 Conditions of Collective Impact Common Agenda Shared Measurement Mutually Reinforcing Activities Continuous Communication Backbone Support 11

12 Take Action 12 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Healthy Communities

13 The Beginning of the Shared Vision and Need “Creating a Healthier and Connected Community” Healthy and Safe Community Environments Clinical and Community Preventive Services Empowered People Elimination of Health Disparities Prevention Strategy Diagram 13 National Prevention Strategy “America’s Plan for Better Health and Wellness”

14 Backbone Effectiveness: 27 Indicators 14

15 Backbone Organization - Misperceptions The role and functions of backbone organizations can often be misunderstood, particularly in early stage Collective Impact initiatives. The most common misperception are: The backbone organization sets the agenda for the group. The backbone organization drives the solutions. The backbone organization receives all the funding. The role of backbone can be self-appointed rather than selected by the community. That the role of backbone is not fundamentally different from “business as usual” in terms of staffing, time, and resources. 15

16 Importance of Trust 16 Based on concepts from A.T. Himmelman “Collaboration for a Change: Definitions, Models and a Collaborative. Process Guide” and a tool developed by Lancaster Community Health Plan from The Collaboration Primer by Gretchen Williams Torres, MPP and Frances S. Margolin, MA. Health and Research Education Trust in Partnership

17 17 “Collaborators in Change” Engaging the Community

18 Clinical Programs to Meet the Patient Needs

19 Arizona Communities of Care Network Healthy Communities Nonprofit organizations Hospital-Health Government and Community 19

20 Communities of Care in Action Smooth Way Home P.I.E. FUSEACTIVATE and CATCH Chronically Ill Chronically ill and homeless Fragile babies and family Newly disabled 20

21 Lessons Learned Determine the problem, goals and individuals you want to help Conduct an assessment of the problem Assess why you need this collaboration Ensure you meet each of the organizations guidelines and policies Identify all potential collaborators and stakeholders Bring together the key group of collaborators Use the 5 Core Principals as the guide to your work Develop evaluation and sustainability plan Communicate often and Celebrate your successes! 21

22 RESOURCES County Health Rankings - RWJ http://www.countyhealthrank National Organizations Healthy Communities http://www.healthycommunit iesinstitute.comhttp://www.healthycommunit Collective Impact ach/CollectiveImpact.aspx ach/CollectiveImpact.aspx 22

23 QUESTIONS ? Marisue Garganta Director of Community Health Integration 602.406.6580

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