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Faith-Based and Secular Alliances in International Health Partnerships for Health and Wholeness CCIH Annual Conference 26 – 28 May 2007 C. Stecker, Senior.

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Presentation on theme: "Faith-Based and Secular Alliances in International Health Partnerships for Health and Wholeness CCIH Annual Conference 26 – 28 May 2007 C. Stecker, Senior."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faith-Based and Secular Alliances in International Health Partnerships for Health and Wholeness CCIH Annual Conference 26 – 28 May 2007 C. Stecker, Senior Technical Advisor CRS

2 2 Objectives Personal experience/background CRS HIV and AIDS work Organizational Partnerships Elements of FBO / secular alliances CRS experience w/ USG Writing and winning proposals Consortia? Challenges and Future trends?

3 3 Personal experience Cameroun / CAR –8 years tertiary care 130 bed hospital, 12 satellite dispensaries, HIV prevention 1985 –12 years in CAR in PHC Kwa Ti So Azo ASSOMESCA (l’Association des Ouevres Medicales pour la Sante en Centrafrique)

4 4 CRS HIV and AIDS 1986 first stand-alone HIV project 2002: 75 projects in 20 countries  2006: 250+ projects in 52 countries Prevention, care, treatment, and support Cross-sectoral > $119 million/year Funding: private, USAID, PEPFAR, GFATM

5 5 Organizational Partnerships Field-based implementing partnerships Caritas Internationalis AFNG (African Funding Network Group) CCIH Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance (EAA) InterAction Working Groups Other sector memberships

6 6 Elements of FBO / secular alliances Alliance: “Purpose – formal (contractual) linkages between different entities to achieve specific objectives with accountability by all parties concerned.” Funding Mechanisms –Grants, CA, contracts –RFP, RFA, IQC, Task Order –CORE Initiative: first attempt to get funding to FBOs for HIV funding

7 7 PEPFAR Experience 5-YR ART award $335M 5-YR –5 member consortium, including three FBOs (CRS, CMMB, I.M.A.), Institute of Human Virology-University of Maryland, and Constella Futures) –Targets: 137,600 on ARVs, 9 PEPFAR countries, w/ > 200 local partners 5-YR OVC award 5 countries for $10M 5-YR ABY award 3 countries for $12M

8 8 Announcement of RFA/RFP Write proposal - follow guidelines Steps to winning

9 9 Know funding Environment (Donor): What is donor known for/interested in funding? Grant? Cooperative agreement? Contract? How much (available, need)? What level (central/in-country)? Unsolicited concept note (3-5 pages)? Requirements: finances, reporting Know yourself: Strengths/weaknesses, constraints/limitations Alone? Consortium?

10 10 Consortium Start exploring potential consortium members: –What expertise do they bring? –risk/benefit analysis (philosophy, way of doing business) Start writing: “Boiler plates” –Context (Historical, Statement of Problem) –Capacity statement –Certs & Regs Respond exactly to RFA/RFP follow guidelines: –technical excellence –most up-to-date info/stats –follow guidelines to the letter –divide writing, but have an overall coordinator/editor –keep scoring in mind

11 11 Challenges Graduation TZ change focus of project NPI – more directly-funded partners

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