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Agenda 2 What is TORQ? What does the acronym stand for? Transferable Occupational Relationship Quotient Identifies and matches transferrable skills to.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda 2 What is TORQ? What does the acronym stand for? Transferable Occupational Relationship Quotient Identifies and matches transferrable skills to."— Presentation transcript:


2 Agenda 2

3 What is TORQ? What does the acronym stand for? Transferable Occupational Relationship Quotient Identifies and matches transferrable skills to related occupation and industries to expand and target customer job search opportunities. 3

4 Benefits of cTORQ Broadens job opportunities Targets occupations that are relevant to you Reduces the amount of time spent on job search Simplifies the process of identifying related occupations Easy navigation and user friendly Real-time job postings Creates a report/plan that directs the job search 4

5 cTORQ Answers…. Make informed decisions 5

6 Navigating for a Targeted Job Search

7 Key Terms Used in TORQ KSA: These are the knowledge, skills, and abilities that have been developed or acquired through education, training, and/or prior work experience. Transferrable skills: Current skills that were acquired through prior employment, training, education, or some other activity, which can easily be applied to other occupations or industries. Skills Gap: The gap between available skills and the skills required to perform task. This gap creates opportunities to increase one’s knowledge, skills, or abilities. 7

8 Key Terms Used in TORQ TORQ Score: a number between 0-100 that categorizes the transferability of skills from one occupation to another. This is based on O*NET KSA values. Personal Employment Plan (PEP): the output report that lists your basic information, all the TORQ transferable jobs you considered, together with job postings, skills gaps, education/training, and personal information. 8

9 Personal Employment Plan Report What you will be creating with TORQ The TORQ Score* guides you to the best transfer options that match the skills and talents of your current occupation. *Transferable Occupation Relationship Quotient 9

10 Interpreting TORQ Scores 10 TORQ 90-100 Chances for successful transition are very high May be able to make transition immediately or with short training/education investment TORQ 90-100 Chances for successful transition are very high May be able to make transition immediately or with short training/education investment TORQ 80-89 Transition is still possible. Larger KSA gaps or general differences in occupations may require more intensive training. TORQ 80-89 Transition is still possible. Larger KSA gaps or general differences in occupations may require more intensive training. TORQ <80 In most cases, this transition is probably impractical. One or more major KSA may severely hinder transfer or require substantial training/education. TORQ <80 In most cases, this transition is probably impractical. One or more major KSA may severely hinder transfer or require substantial training/education.

11 Let’s Get Started….

12 Short List 12


14 Review the PEP and consider your next steps Some questions you may ask: Are the alternate occupations and wages I selected realistic? Should I research the jobs I selected? Should I pursue more education or training? Do I need to revise my resume or attend a Resume workshop? Are my skill gaps realistic? Should I re-evaluate my career goals? Complete the Next Steps worksheet Meet with a Career Counselor for a one-on-one Continue to add to or change your plan Your Next Steps The Personal Employment Plan (PEP) is a ‘living’ document that you can add and change information. Next Steps: Using the PEP 14


16 How to Log in from Home Login Steps 1.Log into your personal email account where an email will contain a link to your TORQ project. Click on this link. 2.Review or update your personal information as needed. 3.If you want to create additional projects, that focus on other skills that you have acquired which are not the focus of your previous project, contact your career center. A staff member will be able to set up a new project and send you a new project link to your email account.

17 Wrap Up 17

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