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THE PECTORAL GIRDLE & UPPER LIMB Chapter 7. Pectoral Girdle / Shoulder  Very light and has high degree of mobility  Considered an open joint  Consists.

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2 Pectoral Girdle / Shoulder  Very light and has high degree of mobility  Considered an open joint  Consists of the following bones  Clavicle -anteriorly  Scapula – has free movement across the thorax (posteriorly)  Vertebrae – muscle attachment

3  Clavicles provide a source of bracing for the arm and scapula  The scapula (shoulder blade) is flat bone that articulates with humerus (glenoid cavity) and clavicle (acromion). Dorsal feature

4 Upper Limb  The upper arm extends from the shoulder to the elbow and contains only 1 bone – HUMERUS  Humerus = longest and largest bone of upper limb  Articulates with the scapula at the shoulder along with the ulna and radius at the elbow

5 FOREARM  The forearm is between the elbow and wrist  Contains the Ulna and Radius  The ulna forms the elbow joint and articulates proximally with the radius and distally with the carpals at the wrist  The radius articulates with the proximal end of humerus and distally with the carpals of the wrist and the ulna

6 WRIST / PALM  The wrist consists of 8 short bones arranged in 2 rows of 4 bones  The metacarpus (palm) consists of 5 small, long bones numbered 1-5 from thumb to little finger  Articulates proximally with the carples and the phalanges distally

7 HAND / FINGERS  The fingers consist of 14 bones  The thumb (pollex) is considered digit # I and has only 2 phalanges  The other fingers # II – V each have 3 phalanges

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