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STRATEGYsheets target… Investigating. keys to using think-sheets when teaching Planning Student strategies for planning projects Project-based Leaning.

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Presentation on theme: "STRATEGYsheets target… Investigating. keys to using think-sheets when teaching Planning Student strategies for planning projects Project-based Leaning."— Presentation transcript:

1 STRATEGYsheets target… Investigating

2 keys to using think-sheets when teaching Planning Student strategies for planning projects Project-based Leaning Strategies click on keys to access examples Implementing Strategies for implementing research Presenting Student strategies for planning effective & interesting presentations Evaluating Think-sheets for evaluating various dimensions of project work

3 Commitments to quality of project and presentation By signing my name below, I am making a commitment to: 1. Developing a high quality product that I will be proud of, 2. Creating a product that will make sense, be interesting and informative to my audience. 3. Being neat and careful. 4. Doing my share on time. 5. Doing my best. Goals for working together effectively Check 3 that will be primary goals Listening without interrupting Turn taking & involving everyone Offering assistance Communicating about difficulties Respecting different opinions, skills & abilities Encouraging & complimenting others Recognizing and celebrating others' successes Recognizing unique talents of others Giving "I" messages Consensus building Giving negative feedback Peacefully resolving conflicts Goals for using effective work techniques Check 3 that will be primary goals Using & keeping timelines Resisting impulsiveness Engaging in challenging tasks Persisting during tough times Organizing & prioritizing tasks Organizing ideas & being clear Being accurate Noticing how you & others think Using information resources Checking for quality Being open minded Being creative Viewing an idea in unusual ways Presenting an idea in usual ways Inventing & testing strategies to solve problems Signatures


5 © 2002 Edwin S. Ellis Masterminds Publishing






11 Repeatedly measure something: What will be measured? _________________ How will it be measured? ________________ -AND/OR- Count the number of times something happens: When should the counting occur? _________________ How often? ________________ -AND/OR- Make a list of observations and then categorize them later: What will you be looking for during the observations? _________________ -AND/OR- Survey people to get opinions: Who will be surveyed? _________________ What will you ask them about? _________________ T ally the data Note the calculations that will need to be performed on the data to make sense of it. E stablish the kind of information you will need to answer the question If you plan to … T arget a question Ask a question that you hope your experiment or research will provide an answer to S et a plan for collecting the data Note the steps you will follow from the beginning to the end of your experiment S how the results Decide how the data will be visually displayed What happens to __________________ when __________________is added or subtracted from __________________? What do __________________ know or think about __________________? How well does __________________ work when trying to __________________? How did __________________ change over __________________ amount of time? What are the parts of __________________? How does __________________ change when __________________? What is the difference between __________________ and __________________? Complete one of these questions or write a different question here Sum numbers in each category? Subtract numbers from different categories to determine difference? Compute averages, means, or percentages? Other calculations? Tables show numerical differences Line Graphs show changes over time Bar graphs show differences in quantities Pie charts show differences in percentages Fertilizer NO YES Beans 1.5 3.0 Peas 2.021.2 Corn 714.2 Growth per week A B C 33% 25% 42%

12 We observed this … This is about how we came to understand … The observations led us to this hypothesis … So then we tested the hypothesis by … Results of the tests led us to conclude that … Specific observationsDetails of hypothesisTesting procedureDetails of conclusion

13 PURPOSE OF THE PRESENTATION of an issue or problem To increase awareness attitude or belief To change an to a problem To show a solution or way of doing things To change a behavior explain something To inform or entertain To PATH Presentation Plans Title of presentationNames of presenters relatives Parents &/or ADULTSSTUDENTS / FRIENDS Older students Same age students Younger students The audience will mostly be … Teachers Don’t know much about this topic at all. It will probably be new information for most of them Focus on the describing the big picture & basics; avoid technical language Will have some background knowledge about the topic, but probably won’t know specifics; may have some misunderstandings about it Provide overview of the big picture, identify common misunderstandings or myths, be sure to define technical terms Will already know a lot about the topic; some may even be experts Acknowledge expertise, overview big picture, focus on specifics; OK to use technical terms Best guess about the audience’s knowledge of this topic … AUDIENCE Therefore, we’ll need to … TOPICS What is the most important idea you hope the audience will understand as a result of the presentation? Main Idea #1Main Idea #2Main Idea #3 HOOK What would be a good way to begin the presentation that will make the audience curious about the topic?

14 Goals about the INFORMATION we share... Information has a clear focus; ideas/concepts tied together via a theme. Ideas are important, accurate, clear Ideas are organized so they are easy to understand Ideas are connected to audience interests Ideas are connected to ‘real-life’ issues or problems to-be-solved Communicates various perspectives or ways of viewing an idea Goals about the WAY we share the information... We use varied and unusual ways of communicating an idea Our product is visually appealing, neat, & imaginative. We use effective tools for communication (e.g. opening, body, closing); We want to provide the audience with some form of interactive activity We want our ideas to be presented in a logical manner. We want to use graphic organizers to make information easier to understand We want use technology during the presentation We involve all team members in the presentation We want to stick within time limits We want to stick to the plan (not getting too far off on a tangent) We want our presentation to involve all team members Not really important to us Slightly important goal for us Important goal for us Team member signatures The INTENT of our presentation is primarily to … Inform the audience about... and / or Change an attitude or perspective about... and / or Cause the audience to experience an emotion so they will... Note the intent here


16 2-D VISUAL DEVICES Web or frame Compare/contrast Sequence Cycle Mind Map Chart/Table/Graph Makes Sense Think-sheet Other graphic organizer Surface map Photographs Poster Draw/paint pictures Collage Interactive Bulletin Board ABC pop-up book Slide show Power Point presentation 3-D VISUAL DEVICES Create a model Collection of samples Artifacts Key-ideas & details mobile Interest center WRITTEN DOCUMENTS Histo-fiction Story Business or personal letter Grant proposal Script play or commercial Newspaper article Cartoons/Comic book Information pamphlet Scroll Tour Guide Written Report PERFORMANCES Oral report Dramatization of event Dramatization of commercial Role-play Debate Explanation/demonstration Video of real interview Interview simulation Create audience experience Simulation activity Movement (dance /charade Newspaper article Comic book Information pamphlet Scroll Tour Guide Music KEY IDEA TO BE COMMUNICATED NOTES ABOUT IDEAS Presentation Options

17 Goals about the INFORMATION we share... Information has a clear focus; ideas/concepts tied together via a theme. Ideas are important, accurate, clear, Ideas are organized so they are easy to understand Ideas are connected to audience interests Ideas are connected to ‘real-life’ issues or problems to-be-solved Communicates various perspectives or ways of viewing an idea Goals about the WAY we share the information... We use varied and unusual ways of communicating an idea Our product is visually appealing, neat, & imaginative. We use effective tools for communication (e.g. opening, body, closing); We want to provide the audience with some form of interactive activity We want our ideas to be presented in a logical manner. We want to use graphic organizers to make information easier to understand We want use technology during the presentation We involve all team members in the presentation We want to stick within time limits We want to stick to the plan (not getting too far off on a tangent) We want our presentation to involve all team members Not really important to us Slightly important goal for us Important goal for us Team member signatures The INTENT of our presentation is primarily to … Inform the audience about... and / or Change an attitude or perspective about... and / or Cause the audience to experience an emotion so they will... Note the intent here

18 Evaluation of Effective Collaboration Strategies Teacher’s Evaluation Peer’s Evaluation Group’s self- Evaluation Student’s self- Evaluation Student name of Project task Collaboration strategies most effectively used … Collaboration strategies to work on more … Listening without interrupting Turn taking & involving everyone Offering assistance Communicating about difficulties Respecting different opinions, skills & abilities Encouraging & complimenting others Recognizing and celebrating others' successes Recognizing talents of others Giving "I" messages Consensus building Giving negative feedback Peacefully resolving conflicts A specific collaboration strategy to do differently next time WHEN … THEN … Forgot to do this Did this a little Did this really well

19 Observations of Effective Collaboration Strategies Teacher’s Evaluation Peer’s Evaluation Group’s self- Evaluation Student’s self- Evaluation Student name of Project task Listening without interrupting Turn taking & involving everyone Offering assistance Communicating about difficulties Respecting different opinions, skills & abilities Encouraging & complimenting others Recognizing and celebrating others' successes Recognizing unique talents of others Giving "I" messages Consensus building Giving negative feedback Peacefully resolving conflicts I observed this happen when …

20 Evaluation of Effective Work Strategies Teacher’s Evaluation Peer’s Evaluation Group’s self- Evaluation Student’s self- Evaluation Student name of Project task Using & keeping timelines Resisting impulsiveness Engaging in challenging tasks Persisting during tough times Organizing & prioritizing tasks Being open minded Being creative Viewing an idea in unusual ways Presenting an idea in usual ways Inventing & testing strategies Organizing ideas & being clear Being accurate Noticing how you & others think Using information resources Checking for quality Forgot to do this Did this a little Did this really well Work strategies most effectively used … Work strategies to work on more … A specific thinking strategy to do differently next time WHEN … THEN …

21 Teacher’s Evaluation Peer’s Evaluation Group’s self- Evaluation Student’s self- Evaluation Student name of Project I observed this happen when … C hecking for quality Using information resources Individuals doing their best. Individuals doing their share on time. Being neat and careful. Creating a product that will make sense, be interesting and informative to the audience. Developing a high quality product that students will be proud of

22 End of Project Evaluation: Contribution to the Project Reliability 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Didn’t fulfill obligations; couldn’t count on Fulfilled responsibilities extremely well; could always count on Comments Work Quality 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Very poorVery high Comments Doing One’s Share 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Did far LESS than shareDid far MORE than share Comments Attitude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Negative, pessimistic, undermined spirit of team “Can-do”, positive, optimistic attitude helped the whole team Comments Timeliness 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Procrastinated, didn’t get stuff in on time, delays impaired team Always ready, tasks completed on time Comments Responsibility 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Makes excuses / blames others when problems occur; tries to dodge tasks. Accepts responsibility when problems occur; volunteers to do things Comments Overall Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Liability to groupGreat Asset to Group Comments myself name another student name a committee or project team committee name This is an evaluation of … Myself name The whole team The teacher Who is performing the evaluation? …

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