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POSTCOLONIALISM Marco Maran. Post-colonialism is an umbrella term made up by three component parts: 1.Post: A Latinate prefix referring to something coming.

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Presentation on theme: "POSTCOLONIALISM Marco Maran. Post-colonialism is an umbrella term made up by three component parts: 1.Post: A Latinate prefix referring to something coming."— Presentation transcript:


2 Post-colonialism is an umbrella term made up by three component parts: 1.Post: A Latinate prefix referring to something coming after something, therefore it is a movement referring to something previous 2.Colonial: since Post-colonialism comes after colonialism 3.Ism: suffix that generally brings with it a critical attitude Meaning of Postcolonialism

3 About History  Without colonialism there would be no post-colonialism.  Colonialism is about the dominance of a strong nation over another weaker one.  Colonialism happens when a strong nation sees that its material interest and affluence require it to expand outside its borders.  Colonialism is the acquisition of the colonialist, by brute force, of extra markets, extra resources of raw material and manpower from the colonies.  The colonialist, while committing these atrocities against the natives and territories of the colonies, convinces himself that he stands on high moral grounds.

4 Effects of Colonialism  Oppression is a basic ingredient of colonialism.  Oppression dehumanizes both the oppressor and the oppressed.  Most national movements were radical and violent in their approaches in response to the aggression of colonialism.

5 Post-colonial Literature Post-colonialism mainly focus on:  The need in nations or group which have been colonized to achieve an uncontaminated identity  The relations and the effect of racism  The relationship between postcolonial and feminism  Race relations  Slaver  Apartheid  Mass extinction

6 Postcolonial texts  culturally specific details  lack of tranlations or explanation of non-European practices  decentering of European-based reading  decentering of the white characters, who become faceless, nameless representative of a dominating power, shifting the power relationship within the text.

7 Postcolonialism deals with The cultural identity matters of colonized societies The dilemmas of developing a national identity after colonial rule The ways in which writers articulate and celebrate cultural identity

8 Postcolonialism Today  expose to both the colonizer and ex- colonized the falsity or validity of their assumpions  is concerned with the social and cultural effect of colonization  the west paved its passage to the orient and the rest of the world is based on unconfounded truths.

9 Postcolonialism Today  a modern phenomenon.  not a discrete occurence  an examination of premodern colonial activities will allow better understanding of modern structures of power domination

10 The Pioneers of Post-colonialism Edward Said Franz Fanon Homi Bhabha J. M. Coetzee

11 THE END Thanks for your attention

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