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Big Business Emerges 6, sec. 3.

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1 Big Business Emerges 6, sec. 3

2 John D. Rockefeller

3 Andrew Carnegie Steel Magnate

4 J. P. Morgan

5 Carnegie Poor Scottish immigrant Made fortune in Steel
Hired talented assistants Worked efficiently Vertical Integration owned 80% of steel industry

6 Social Darwinism Economic theory which stated that the strongest businesses and individuals will survive. Don’t regulate business Poor were lazy Rich were more intelligent

7 Rockefeller Gained control of Oil Industry
Cheap, paid employees low wages Given the name Robber Barron

8 J.P. Morgan Created Holding companies - bought stock of other companies Bought Carnegie’s U.S. Steel million Created Monopolies

9 Charities Rockefeller gave away $500 million in his lieftime
Carnegie - $325 million “The Man Who Dies Rich Dies Disgraced.” $3.5 billion in today’s money Carnegie - “Gospel of Wealth”

10 Sherman Anti-Trust Act
Outlawed trusts but failed Businessman got richer and richer and workers had fewer rights.

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