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Ëëë 17 October 2012 MIGRATION STATISTICS “Albanian specific examples of migration surveys” Ruzhdie Bici.

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Presentation on theme: "Ëëë 17 October 2012 MIGRATION STATISTICS “Albanian specific examples of migration surveys” Ruzhdie Bici."— Presentation transcript:

1 ëëë 17 October 2012 MIGRATION STATISTICS “Albanian specific examples of migration surveys” Ruzhdie Bici

2 ëëë Recent source of Migration LSMS 2002, 2005, 2008, 2012 Census 2001, 2011 Bank of Albania

3 ëëë LSMS  The main objective of LSMS is to collect information for the construction of measuring welfare and identify factors that determine it. Welfare usually is measured by the aggregate consumer, providing information on the level and distribution of poverty in the country.  LSMS is also a powerful tool for assessing and determining the social costs.  It provides a baseline for monitored the progress in reducing poverty and achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDG).  It provides a continuity of social indicators

4 ëëë Living Standard Measurement Survey-LSMS This Survey collet information for demograhphic indicators, computer use, employment, education, social capital, income, social protection, subjective poverty, health, fertility, non food purchases, information for agriculture, migration and a detailed information for dwelling, access in basic needs and durables. Information on population movement within and outside the country

5 ëëë Module 6A  Internal migration of household members In the internal migration, we find out the place of birth of the person, country he lived before 1990, previously residend in other municipality, reason of movement, other movement.

6 ëëë Part B- International migration –In the international migration of the family members it collect information for latest migration, if have migrated, How long stayed abroad, Reason of migrated abroad –Country –year –Did you work –Information about partner or children –Reason of returning –Plans to migrate again –Other years migrated between time, legal residence, working legalilly, the main reason for migration, primary source funding, the state in which the person has migrated, etc. The same information collected for latest migration is also for first migration.

7 ëëë Part C- Partner and children In the spouse/children migration part, obtain information for his / her spouse and children 15 years and older who are members of the family, but no longer live in the family, that have migrated within the country and abroad. (Includes all children of the head and the partner). Age, Sex, Eucation, foreign languages,country, what we as doing when he left hh, remittances

8 ëëë Census 2011 on migration Non-resident population –Persons live abroad for 12 months or more Resident population (Detailed information for returns migrant) –Place of birth (Municipality or country abroad) –Place of usual residence –Place of last usual residence –Year –Reason

9 ëëë Internal migration

10 ëëë Internal migration Fig. 2: Internal migration from rural area by area of destination (2008) - 4,000 8,000 12,000 16,000 12345678910111213141516171819 year first move number 1 Tirana_urban2 Other urbane3 Rural

11 ëëë Internal Migration Mainly from rural These demographic trends have strongly influenced the structure of the age and gender of regional population in Albania. Not only male phenomenon The internal movements mainly are to have a job, a better education level and to have more access in schools and hospitals.

12 ëëë Destination of migrants from origine household (After year 1990) 20052008 DestinationNo.% % Albania523,12454525,36348 Greece197,38120262,07924 Italy179,58718223,87521 Other73,984873,9287 Total974,0771001,085,245100

13 ëëë

14 The volume of remittances compared to HDI, Trade deficit, foreign aid Source: Bank of Albania (2008)

15 ëëë The migration was a solution for poverty and employment. The primary destination countries for Albanian migrants are neighbouring Working in low-skilled and informal economy sectors (male Albanian emigrants are mainly engaged in construction or agriculture, whereas women are employed in domestic work). Problem new age migrations and higher educated

16 ëëë Advantages and disavantages LSMS collect detailed information about migration Have comparable data by years It creates the possibility of disaggregation with other social indicators It have another purpose not migration The level of disaggregation in country level and by 4-regions It is difficult to have all migrant population, it can’t be interview hh that are all members abroad

17 ëëë Future challenges Making a new survey for migration Incorporate a migration module in the existing household surveys Keeping comparability with existing data sources

18 ëëë Thank you!

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