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Protein Synthesis. Proteins Most diverse macromolecule Shape = function Responsible for many different functions – Structure – Signal – Enzyme – Defense.

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Presentation on theme: "Protein Synthesis. Proteins Most diverse macromolecule Shape = function Responsible for many different functions – Structure – Signal – Enzyme – Defense."— Presentation transcript:

1 Protein Synthesis

2 Proteins Most diverse macromolecule Shape = function Responsible for many different functions – Structure – Signal – Enzyme – Defense – Motility

3 Archibald Garrod Studied alkaptonuria Inherited trait Mutation in enzyme Concluded gene responsible for enzyme

4 George Beadle and Edward Tatum Studied neurospora X-ray caused random mutations in genes Neurospora did not grow – Additional nutrients required Concluded one gene-one enzyme hypothesis – Later expanded one gene-one polypeptide hypothesis

5 Central Dogma

6 Transcription DNA → RNA Occurs in nucleus Why is this step needed? Why not DNA to protein directly?

7 DNA vs. RNA DNARNA (mRNA, tRNA, rRNA) Double strandSingle strand ThymineUracil Deoxyribose sugarRibose sugar Within nucleusWithin cell

8 RNA Messenger RNA (mRNA) – RNA version of DNA – Varies in length – Translated into protein Transfer RNA (tRNA) – Delivery system of amino acids – 70-90 base pairs Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) – Structural component of ribosome – Binds with proteins to form ribosomes – Varies in length

9 Translation RNA → polypeptide Occurs in cytosol Involves mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA

10 Genetic Code 4 bases, 20 amino acids…how? Codon: group of three base pairs – How many codons? – Each codon represents an amino acid or start/stop

11 Homework Page 318 # 3, 4, 7, 8, 11

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