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Bringing the Outside In: Making the Most of Student Activities Amy Sauers, Ph.D. St. Petersburg College.

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Presentation on theme: "Bringing the Outside In: Making the Most of Student Activities Amy Sauers, Ph.D. St. Petersburg College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bringing the Outside In: Making the Most of Student Activities Amy Sauers, Ph.D. St. Petersburg College

2 Engagement ProblemOutside Activities InDECA ExampleHow Can You Engage? Transformational Model: Engaging Education

3 Engagement Problem WIIFM Culture Significance 1 in 4 students – low belonging 1 in 5 – low participation High SES, female, literacy = higher engagement

4 Behavioral Showing up; attentive Time on task Extra-curricular activities Affective Emotional reactions to learning Positive attitude; excitement Cognitive Mental effort Task comprehension Meta-cognition Pintrich & Schrauben, 1992

5 Strengthen Classroom Engagement Promote Active, Engaged Learning Source: 2011 CCSSE data SPC Board of Trustees Meeting5 Percentage of students responding never

6 Relate to their life Help them in life Real world Fun Interesting Varied, not repetitive Sustained exploration Make decisions Challenging Social connections Bridge between local and international ties Concerned with real issues Important Students Say…

7 DECA: Why Should Students Compete? Demonstrate ability. Develops decision-making skills. Improves self-confidence. Enhances presentation skills. Winners receive recognition and awards at local, state and international levels.

8 DECA: Business Simulations  Events designed to measure marketing/management proficiency Apply Marketing/Management Principles Analyze Real-World Case Situations Organize a Plan of Action Role-Play with the business/industry professional (judge)

9 Discussion: How can you engage? What trade organizations are most relevant? What networks should your students know? What activities can your students attend? What real, live cases can you bring into the classroom?

10 Engagement ProblemOutside Activities InDECA ExampleHow Can You Engage? Transformational Model: Engaging Education

11 Questions Next Steps  Form and keep relationships with local companies  Ideas to keep current?

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