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High Performance Computing in GG Strengths, Challenges, Future Directions Processing/inverting increasingly large datasets for -imaging crustal & mantle.

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Presentation on theme: "High Performance Computing in GG Strengths, Challenges, Future Directions Processing/inverting increasingly large datasets for -imaging crustal & mantle."— Presentation transcript:

1 High Performance Computing in GG Strengths, Challenges, Future Directions Processing/inverting increasingly large datasets for -imaging crustal & mantle structure (Dunn, Moore, Wolfe) -locating/characterizing acoustic sources (Frazer, Duennebier ) -analyzing global altimetry/topography (Wessel) Simulating dynamical processes in expanding volumes, at finer resolution, & with stronger heterogeneity: -dynamics of mantle & lithosphere (Ito, Conrad-probably) -crustal deformation & faulting (Martel) -watershed processes & contaminant transport (El-Kadi)

2 Crustal structure beneath mid-ocean ridges: Dunn & Conley

3 Finding seamounts with global satellite altimetry data: Wessel & Kim

4 Mechanics of fissures on Big Island Martel & Langley, Kaven

5 Dynamics of Mantle & Lithosphere Ito & Bianco, Mittelstaedt 60million tracers of composition,3 million elements, adequate thermodynamic model of melting Visco-elastic/elastic-plastic rheology. 30-40 million timesteps for 1.3 Myr

6 Dynamics of Mantle & Lithosphere Ito & Bianco, Mittelstaedt 60million tracers of composition,3 million elements, adequate thermodynamic model of melting Visco-elastic/elastic-plastic rheology. 30-40 million timesteps for 1.3 Myr

7 Watershed processes & contaminant transport El-Kadi & Cutler, Corley, Hughes, Lamptoc, Perrault, Rotzoll, Whittier Manoa Food Area Hydrology Problems Involve: -Strong heterogeneity -Non-linearity of coupled equations (e.g., contamination by petroleum products) -Extreme conditions (rainfall events, topography, etc) -Large range of scales (point- measurements to watershed) -Numerical solutions with fine (<meter) spatial & time resolution Oahu water sources

8 Community Code Development in Geodynamics SOEST is a “member institution” of: Seismic Wave Propagation Lithosphere dynamics Core dynamics & geodynamo Mantle Convection

9 Use of Resources of the Maui High Performance Computer Center (MHPCC) UH High Performance Computing Student Engagement Grants ($10-20K) GG Awardees E. Nosal 2004 (Frazer) T. Fedenczuk 2006 (Fryer) T. Bianco 2006 (Ito) S.-S. Kim 2007 (Wessel)

10 AKUA: 32-nodes, 64 Xeon 2.2-2.8 GHz processors, ~100 GB RAM, 4.5 TB disk space, Gigabit- interconnect Purchased with cost-match SOEST & NSF OCE-0136793 ($109K) Maintenance, upgrades, consulting, software installation: GT High-Performance Computing Facilities

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