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In partnership with Global Learning introducing the curriculum framework.

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1 In partnership with Global Learning introducing the curriculum framework

2 © Crown Copyright 2013 Children and young people want to learn more about global issues: 2010 NFER report: developing the International Dimension in Welsh schools led to improvements in pupils’ confidence, motivation and standards of work 2009 IPSOS-Mori/GA survey: 93% of pupils aged 11-14 think it is fairly or very important to learn about the issues affecting people’s lives in different parts of the world 2008 IPSOS-Mori/Think Global survey:  78% of pupils think it’s important schools help them understand what people can do to make the world a better place  86% of the public support teaching pupils about global issues like poverty and climate change. 1

3 © Crown Copyright 2013 What are the GLP-W aims? pupils will better understand their role in a globalised society and the concepts of globalisation, interdependence and development; pupils will examine a range of common approaches to increasing social justice and sustainability, increasing their capacity for critical thinking and analysis; pupils will explore different approaches to aid, for example a charitable giving approach to development and that of one motivated by social justice; and schools will be able to explore alternative models of development and sustainability across the curriculum. 2

4 © Crown Copyright 2013 What are the key GLP-W themes? In the curriculum the GLP will particularly explore these themes: developing countries, their economies, histories and human geography; different ways to achieve global poverty reduction and the arguments around the merits of these different approaches; enabling students to draw their own conclusions about the causes of global poverty and how it can be addressed; the basic elements of globalisation. PLUS enquiry and critical thinking about development and development issues. 3

5 © Crown Copyright 2013 How do GLP-W themes and aims link? 4

6 © Crown Copyright 2013 Scientists: Antarctic ice collapse has begun 5 Source: Wiki CommonsWiki Commons

7 Refugees in Europe September 2015 6 Source: Wiki CommonsWiki Commons

8 © Crown Copyright 2013 7 Source: Wiki CommonsWiki Commons

9 © Crown Copyright 2013 Think about the links Choose one of the global issues to work on Think about  which ESDGC theme/s they link to  which GLP-W theme/s they link into/help develop, and how  potential links to LNF, or one aspect you could develop. 8

10 © Crown Copyright 2013 Progress in ESDGC, Estyn, June 2014 Good progress was made by schools in many aspects of ESDGC. Schools should: R1: improve pupils’ understanding of more complex ESDGC concepts, including those relating to:  identity and culture; (KS3/4)  producers and consumers;  standard of living and quality of life  resources and renewable energy  the difference between weather and climate (FP/KS2) R2: plan for the progressive development of pupils’ understanding of the seven ESDGC themes across the curriculum, and assess and track pupils’ development; R3: plan for ESDGC to make a positive contribution to developing pupils’ literacy and numeracy. 9

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