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Title of the presentation | Date |1 Nikos Houssos National Documentation Centre (EKT/NHRF) CRIS for research information management.

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Presentation on theme: "Title of the presentation | Date |1 Nikos Houssos National Documentation Centre (EKT/NHRF) CRIS for research information management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title of the presentation | Date |1 Nikos Houssos National Documentation Centre (EKT/NHRF) CRIS for research information management

2 Title of the presentation | Date |2Introduction  Nikos Houssos  nhoussos AT  National Documentation Centre (EKT / NHRF)  Head, Software Development Unit  euroCRIS BoardMember, Leader TG Projects 9th euroCRIS Strategic Seminar, September 12th -13th, 2011 Brussels

3 Title of the presentation | Date |3Agenda  Introduction to CRIS systems and CERIF  CRIS systems purpose and benefits  Architectures of CRIS infrastructures 9th euroCRIS Strategic Seminar, September 12th -13th, 2011 Brussels

4 Title of the presentation | Date |4CRIS “a Current Research Information System, commonly known as "CRIS", is any information tool dedicated to provide access to and disseminate research information” (  A CRIS consists of –a datamodel describing objects of interest to R&D –a tool or set of tools to manage the data 9th euroCRIS Strategic Seminar, September 12th -13th, 2011 Brussels

5 Title of the presentation | Date |5 Purpose of a CRIS  To assist users in their recording, reporting and decision-making concerning the research process  Whether developing programmes, allocating funding, assessing projects, executing projects, generating results, assessing results or transferring technology, looking for experts  Contextual metadata – very important for high quality reporting and search! 9th euroCRIS Strategic Seminar, September 12th -13th, 2011 Brussels

6 Title of the presentation | Date |6 Users of a CRIS  Researchers  Decision makers  Research administration  Third-party systems / data providers 9th euroCRIS Strategic Seminar, September 12th -13th, 2011 Brussels

7 Title of the presentation | Date |7 Questions for a CRIS  How many articles has author X published between 2005-2010 as a first author?  What percentage of author X publications were co-authored by institutionally external researchers?  In how many FP7 projects does research group Z participate?  How many publications of research group Z have resulted from project Y?  How many highly cited publications have resulted from funding programme Y?  How many citations have been received by publications produced by FP7 projects funded by the 1 st ICT call?  How many PhD students have participated in FP7 projects?  How many women have been involved in FP7 projects in the role of project coordinator? 9th euroCRIS Strategic Seminar, September 12th -13th, 2011 Brussels

8 Title of the presentation | Date |8CERIF  Common European Research Information Format  CERIF is an EU Recommendation to Member States  The European Commission (EC) has authorised euroCRIS to maintain and develop CERIF and its usage  Used in many national and institutional systems and by international organisations (ERC, ESF) 9th euroCRIS Strategic Seminar, September 12th -13th, 2011 Brussels

9 Title of the presentation | Date |9 data model (conceptual, logical, physical) allows for a (metadata) representation of –research entities –their activities / interconnections (research) –their output (results) allows for high flexibility with formal semantic relationships enables quality maintenance, archiving, access and interchange of information What is CERIF? 9th euroCRIS Strategic Seminar, September 12th -13th, 2011 Brussels

10 Title of the presentation | Date |10 CERIF Characteristics  Normalised, graph-based view of the world (contrary to flat schemata like library catalogue formats and Dublin Core)  Direct mapping to RDF, easy to provide as Linked Data  Captures clearly declared semantics of entities and their relationships  Captures contextual metadata about resources –For example: In which context was a research publication or data set produced 9th euroCRIS Strategic Seminar, September 12th -13th, 2011 Brussels

11 Title of the presentation | Date |11 Citation CV Prize Qualification ExpertiseAndSkills Equipment Facility Funding Service ElectronicAddress PostalAddress Country Currency LanguageEvent Metrics CERIFEntitiesoverview CERIF Entities overview 9th euroCRIS Strategic Seminar, September 12th -13th, 2011 Brussels

12 Title of the presentation | Date |12 role=author role=author1 role=reviewer role=... ? role=coordinator role=manager role=CEO role=researcher role=project-manager role=deliverable1.2 role=journal article role=public report role=author1-institute role=editor role=... ? role=funder role=investigator role=member CERIF Link Entities and Semantic Layer 9th euroCRIS Strategic Seminar, September 12th -13th, 2011 Brussels

13 Title of the presentation | Date |13 CERIF Link Entities  Links/relationships among entities  Role-typed –CERIF Semantic Layer  Timestamped (date range), fractions  Examples: –OrgUnit X merged with OrgUnit Y in April 2011 –Person X was Project Manager of Project Y from January 2010 to April 2011  Facilitates role-typed, timestamped links to entities in other systems (e.g. identifier systems, registries, authority files) 9th euroCRIS Strategic Seminar, September 12th -13th, 2011 Brussels

14 Title of the presentation | Date |14 CRIS Architectures  Interoperable CRIS and repositories  Integrated CRIS + Repository  Repository with (some) CRIS features 9th euroCRIS Strategic Seminar, September 12th -13th, 2011 Brussels

15 Title of the presentation | Date |15 CRIS + Repositories of documents and data sets CRIS Context [projects, persons, organisational units funding, products, patents, publications facilities, equipment, events] OA Repository (hypermedia) Documents Repository of Datasets and Software OAI- PMH Various protocols End-User CERIF 9th euroCRIS Strategic Seminar, September 12th -13th, 2011 Brussels

16 Title of the presentation | Date |16 CRIS in multiple institutions CRIS OA repository Data sets repository CRIS OA repository Data sets repository CRIS OA repository Data sets repository End-User / 3 rd party systems Institution AInstitution BInstitution C End-User / 3 rd party systems 9th euroCRIS Strategic Seminar, September 12th -13th, 2011 Brussels

17 Title of the presentation | Date |17 Thank you!  More information –nhoussos AT 9th euroCRIS Strategic Seminar, September 12th -13th, 2011 Brussels

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