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Basics of Agriculture Part 3. Objectives To understand the major technological advancements in agriculture.

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Presentation on theme: "Basics of Agriculture Part 3. Objectives To understand the major technological advancements in agriculture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basics of Agriculture Part 3

2 Objectives To understand the major technological advancements in agriculture

3 Agriculture Advances There have been many important technological developments in agriculture throughout history. These developments have drastically changed the agriculture industry

4 Trends in Agriculture In the mid 1700s, 90% of the people were farmers. Because of technology, les than 2% of the American population are engaged in production agriculture. Technology – The use of inventions in working and living. Invention – Any new device or product or a new way of doing work.

5 Technology Timeline Important technological advancements in American agriculture between 1607 and 1901 1607 – The Indians show the Plymouth Colonists how to grow crops such as corn, pumpkins, squash, and beans. 1700s – Charles Townshend develops the first crop rotation systems

6 1700s – Jethro Tull develops a planting machine. – Thomas Jefferson Invents the iorn plow 1793 – The cotton gin is invented by Eli Whitney. 1834 – Cyrus McCormick invents the reaper. 1837 – John Deere designs the moldboard plow

7 1850 – Joseph Glidden develops barbed wire for use by cattle ranchers. – Quincy Edmund invented the corn picker 1862 – The Morrill Act creates land-grant universities. The USDA is established. 1869 – Transcontinental railroad is completed. 1876 – Anna Baldwin Invented the milking Machine 1904 – First successful gasoline engine tractor is built by Benjamin Holt

8 Advancements in the 20 th Century 1960’s The Green revolution – Improved varieties of corn were developed. These varieties were more resistant to pests and diseases. – The development of new chemicals to control insects, diseases, and weeds.

9 Advancements in the 20 th Century Computers were developed and began to be widely used in agriculture. Biotechnology – the science to change organisms or their environment or to get products from organisms, began to be used.

10 Summary Questions Why was the development of the transcontinental railroad important to agriculture? Why is less than 2% involved in production farming now? What is an invention?

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