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Practicum A Entomology CDE 2014 Lathrop. #1 1. Insect/Damage A. Termite B. Aphid C. Japanese Beetle D. Codling Moth E. Lacewing 2. Control Method A. Trap.

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Presentation on theme: "Practicum A Entomology CDE 2014 Lathrop. #1 1. Insect/Damage A. Termite B. Aphid C. Japanese Beetle D. Codling Moth E. Lacewing 2. Control Method A. Trap."— Presentation transcript:

1 Practicum A Entomology CDE 2014 Lathrop

2 #1 1. Insect/Damage A. Termite B. Aphid C. Japanese Beetle D. Codling Moth E. Lacewing 2. Control Method A. Trap Crop Planting B. Mechanical C. Chemical D. Apply a milky spore powder to control the larvae E. No Treatment

3 #2 3. Insect/Damage A. Ladybird Beetle B. Aphid C. Minute Pirate Bug D. Tent Catepillar Moth E. Termite 4. Control Method A. Chemical B. Biological C. Mechanical D. Cultural E. No Treatment

4 #3 5. Insect/Damage A. Ladybird Beetle B. Sawtooth Grain Beetle C. Corn earworm D. Termite E. Aphid 6. Control Method A. Apply granular insecticide to infected area. B. No treatment C. Insect traps D. Insecticidal soap used in weekly intervals E. Use proper sanitation to prevent an infestation

5 #4 7. Insect/Damage A. Ladybird Beetle B. Corn Earworm C. Minute Pirate Bug D. Aphid E. Lacewing 8. Control method A. Apply an insect soap spray once a week B. Apply a milky spore powder to control the larvae C. Use a crop rotation D. Use natural enemies of the insect E. No treatment needed

6 #5 9. Insect/Damage A. Termite B. Aphid C. Codling Moth D. Lacewing E. Tent Caterpillar 10. Control method A. Trap Crop Planning B. Biological Control with use of Minute Pirate Bug C. No Treatment D. Apply granular Insecticide around the base of plant E. Plant resistant plant varieties

7 Answer Key 1. C. Japanese Beetle 2. D. Apply a milky spore powder to control the larvae 3. E. Termite 4. A. Chemical 5. B. Sawtooth Grain Beetle 6. E. Use proper sanitation to prevent an infestation 7. C. Minute Pirate Bug 8. E. No treatment needed 9. B. Aphid 10. B. Biological Control with use of Minute Pirate Bug

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