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Presentation on theme: "GROUP MEMBERS -HASHIR REHMAN -AHMED LODHI -Z0HAIB AHMED -ARHAM HAMEED."— Presentation transcript:


2 WHAT IS A 3D SCANNER  A 3D scanner is a device that analyses a real-world object or environment to collect data on its shape and possibly its appearance (e.g. color). The collected data can then be used to construct digital three-dimensional models.  Many different technologies can be used to build these 3D- scanning devices; each technology comes with its own limitations, advantages and costs. Many limitations in the kind of objects that can be digitized are still present, for example, optical technologies encounter many difficulties with shiny, mirroring or transparent objects.

3 3DLaser Scanning Process An object that is to be laser scanned is placed on the bed of the digitizer. Specialized software drives the laser probe above the surface of the object. The laser probe projects a line of laser light onto the surface while 2 sensor cameras continuously record the changing distance and shape of the laser line in three dimensions (XYZ) as it sweeps along the object.

4  Small businesses are starting to benefit from low-cost versions of these scanners  Help fix defects on certain objects  Very Accurate  Almost all companies are benefitting from 3D scanners  Easy to use

5 The size of a 3D scanner can be as big as a small refrigerator.  The price of a 3D scanner is expensive. Some small businesses cannot afford them.  Non-contact 3D scanners can be very slow in scanning objects  The clarity of the image may not be the best  Cannot be bought from public department stores. Can only be bought from private corporate companies

6  WHAT IS A DIGITAL CAMERA:  A digital camera records and stores photographic images in digital form. Many current models are also able to capture sound or video, in addition to still images. Capture is usually accomplished by use of a photo sensor, using a charged coupled device (CCD).These stored images can be uploaded to a computer immediately or stored in the camera for to be uploaded into a computer or printer later. Images may also be archived on a photographic compact disc or external hard disk.

7  A digital camera takes light and focuses it via the lens onto a sensor made out of silicon. It is made up of a grid of tiny photo sites that are sensitive to light. Each photo site is usually called a pixel, a contraction of "picture element". There are millions of these individual pixels in the sensor of a DSLR camera.

8  Ease of use. Digital cameras, even some of the best on the market, are designed to be very user friendly. Most are point and shoot, but there are many options for those who like to choose their own settings, change lenses and more. Plus there are even online processing services, so there's no need to head out to get prints. They can be mailed right to your door. No film. The LCD readouts on most digital cameras coupled with the elimination of film make these wonderful for shooters who want to see their pictures and choose them before they're printed. Economical. Since the photos on digital cameras can be carefully chosen in advance of printing, the costs can be much less. Plus, there's no film to buy. Quality. Depending on the camera purchased and the accuracy of the settings, the quality can rival and sometimes even surpass a regular 35mm camera.

9  Fragile Storage Considered by many to be the biggest disadvantage of using a digital camera is the way photos are stored. Whether you are using a computer hard drive or a compact flash card to store your photos, the first thing you need to do to secure them is to make backups because one computer crash is all it takes to delete your images.  Build The storage of photos are fragile and prone to damage, and so is the digital camera itself. Usually made of plastic, digital cameras are very prone to shocks when dropped. Additionally, there's only a limited selection of waterproof digital Cameras to choose from and unless a person intends on shooting underwater photos, probably won't consider buying a waterproof camera to protect it from getting wet.Digital cameras can break more easily than film cameras.  Cost Another disadvantage of digital cameras can be the cost. A good digital camera can cost a lot. Most beginner photographers are still students or young professionals. An expensive digital camera and some related accessories can be a little hard to justify especially if photography is not your main source of income and business.


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