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Austin/Travis County FY2015 CoC Renewal & PSH Bonus SEPTEMBER 28, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Austin/Travis County FY2015 CoC Renewal & PSH Bonus SEPTEMBER 28, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Austin/Travis County FY2015 CoC Renewal & PSH Bonus SEPTEMBER 28, 2015

2 FY 2015 NOFA TX-503 Our COC’s Annual Renewal Demand (ARD): $5,542,258 Tier I: 85% of CoC’s ARD = $4,710,919 Tier II: 15% of COC’s ARD = $831,339 (Difference between Tier I and the CoC’s ARD) plus any amount available for the permanent housing bonus Bonus Amount (projected): 15% of COC’s ARD= $831,339 Total Tier II: $831,339 + $831,339 = $1,662,678 *All projects except CoC planning and UFA costs must be ranked CoC may submit more than one bonus project as long as amount does not exceed maximum bonus amount

3 Federal & Local Goals  Prevent and end homelessness among Veterans 2015.  Finish the job of ending chronic homelessness in 2017.  Prevent and End Homelessness for Families, Youth, and Children in 2020.  Set a Path to Ending All Types of Homelessness.

4 2015 ECHO Community Priorities:  Renewal Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH and Rapid Re-housing)  New PSH Projects created through reallocation for 100% chronically homeless  New Rapid re-housing project created through reallocation for homeless families with children  Renewal Transitional Housing  CoC Planning Costs  Renewal HMIS  All other renewal Supportive services Only projects  NEW Projects created through bonus funding

5 Review Process 1.Review all renewal and voluntary reallocation applications (completed July 2015) 2.Conduct bonus funding RFP (submission deadline October 15) 3.Threshold review of renewal and voluntary reallocation applications in esnaps (submission deadline Oct 15) 4.Final ranking and recommendations 5.Notification (min 15 days prior to NOFA submission) 6.Appeal (within 48 hours of notification)

6 Deadlines Renewal and Voluntary Reallocation Projects: All project information, including required attachments must be entered into e-snaps no later than 7:00pm Thursday October 15 th, 2015 Bonus Funding Requests: All project information, including required attachments must be entered into e-snaps no later than 7:00pm Thursday October 15 th, 2015 NOFA submission November 20, 2015

7 E-SNAPS  Applicant profile  SF424  Project Application  All required attachments – must be dated between July 1,2015 and November 20,2015

8 Renewing Applicant Requirement Applicant must be in good standing with HUD - No open HUD findings - No history of slow expenditures - Limited unexpended funds

9 Eligible Organizations  Nonprofit organizations  States  Local governments  Public housing agencies  For profit organizations are NOT eligible to apply for grants or to be sub-recipients of grants

10 Applicant Requirements  Submit program data and participate in the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) or have an equivalent system and submit de-identified data to HMIS if a domestic violence provider  Participate in coordinated assessment and prioritize the most vulnerable individuals  Demonstrate financial and management ability to manage Federal Grants  DUNS number and active SAM registration

11 Renewals  One Year Grant terms  Budget must match GIW  HUD will make rental/leasing adjustments later  Grant consolidation must have already taken place

12 Renewals Renewal Samaritan – continue to serve exclusively chronically homeless individuals Renewal PSH Bonus – continue to serve original population Renewal Projects prioritizing chronically homeless – must continue to do so 2008 Rapid Re-housing Demonstration Project may transition to permanent housing/rapid re-housing NOTE: if identify in esnaps that you operate a low barrier program, you will be held to that standard

13 Renewals  Esnaps will pre-populate  Use notepad not MS word  New section on recipient performance timeliness of APR. LOCCS drawdown, HUD monitoring and funds recaptured  Once submitted to esnaps, send a pdf to

14 Bonus Funding NEW Permanent Supportive Housing to serve 100 percent chronically homeless families and individuals NEW Rapid-Re-housing to serve homeless individuals and families who enter directly from the streets or emergency shelters, and includes persons fleeing domestic violence and other persons who meet the criteria of paragraph (4) of the definition of homelessness

15 Definition of Homelessness 1.People who are living in a place not meant for human habitation, in emergency shelter, in transitional housing, or are exiting an institution where they temporarily resided (90 days or Less). 2.People who are losing their primary nighttime residence, which may include a motel or hotel or a doubled up situation, within 14 days and lack resources or support networks to remain in housing. 3.Families with children or unaccompanied youth who are unstably housed and likely to continue in that state. This is a new category of homelessness, and it applies to families with children or unaccompanied youth who have not had a lease or ownership interest in a housing unit in the last 60 or more days, have had two or more moves in the last 60 days, and who are likely to continue to be unstably housed because of disability or multiple barriers to employment. 4.Individuals and families who are fleeing, or are attempting to flee, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or other dangerous or life-threatening conditions that relate to violence against the individual or a family member.

16 Chronically Homeless Chronically homeless includes individuals and families who have:  a qualifying disabling condition  who have been homeless and living in a place not meant for human habitation, emergency shelter, or safe haven for 1 year continuously or over a period of four occasions in the past 3 years.  Persons in transitional housing are not considered to be chronically homeless even if they met the criteria prior to entering the transitional housing program.

17 Permanent Supportive Housing Permanent housing for individuals with disabilities  Long-term community-based housing (not time limits)  Only for homeless persons with disabilities  Programs should be designed for persons to live as independently as possible  Support services are required to be offered and can be provided by grantee or other organizations  See ECHO Community Definition of PSH

18 Rapid Re-housing  Rapidly connects families and individuals experiencing homelessness to permanent housing  Provides a tailored package of assistance  Resolves immediate challenges and barriers to housing  Links to community resources  Limited time frame  See ECHO Community Definition of Rapid Rehousing

19 Rapid Re-housing  Must follow CoC procedures for prioritizing eligible families and individuals  May set maximum amounts of assistance (percentage, months, or number of times)  May require participants to share in the cost of rent (rent calculation information is detailed)  Limits Rental Assistance to a household to no more than 24 months  May provide supportive services for no longer than 6 months after RA stops  Must re-evaluate, not less than once annually, program participants’ need to retain housing  May require each participant to notify the program of changes in income or other circumstances  Must require participants to meet with a case manager at least once per month (exceptions are noted)

20 Housing First  No preconditions, ie, sobriety, criminal history  Services offered, not required  Accept regardless of rental history  Rapid placement and stabilization in housing are primary goals

21 Transitional Housing Can be considered Housing First/low barrier if: Works to quickly move people into permanent housing Does not require participation in supportive services Does not require any preconditions for moving into transitional housing (eg, sobriety and income)

22 Rapid Implementation New projects must be able to house individuals within 2 years with a preference that it is within 12 months of award

23 New Projects  Consider grant term request  Consider community priorities  Identify target population  Match housing and services to needs of target population  Identify how will connect clients with healthcare, mainstream (TANF, Medicaid etc, ) and employment services  Identify how will partner with and leverage services of other organizations  Identify how clients will access services – location of housing  Integration of individuals with disabilities into the community

24 Project Budget  All budget line items must be clearly explained and must be in compliance with eligible expenses that are outlined in the CoC Program Interim Rule  If requesting rental assistance must request Fair Market Rental (FMR) amount per unit  All applications must meet 150% leverage  Maximum 10% in administrative costs

25 Match Required match is 25% of all budget line items except leasing

26 Leverage 150% in leveraging required Written commitments of cash or in-kind must be attached, dated between July 1, 2015 and November 20, 2015 to esnaps and included in application

27 HUD Threshold – must receive 3 points  Type, scale and location of housing fits the needs of program participants (1 pt)  Type and scale of supportive services fit program participants (1 point)  Plan for ensuring individual assistance for program participants access to mainstream services and employment (1 point)  Program participants are able to obtain and remain in permanent housing (1 pt)  At least 75% of proposed program participants come from the streets or other locations not meant for habitation, emergency shelters, safe havens or fleeing domestic violence (1 point )

28 HUD Score Max 60 points Based on identified need and community response to chronic homelessness Austin/Travis County CoC – 60 points 40 points based on:  Prioritizing highest need (10 points)  Housing First (10 points)  Mainstream services (5 pts Medicaid enrollment) (5 pts includes Medicaid financed services)  Leveraging (5 pts) – expectation 200%  CoC FY 2013/2014 score (5 pts) HUD POINT VALUES FOR TIER II - 100 point scale (P16) COC SCORE Up to 60 pointsCoC’s must receive 198.5 / 200 points to get full 60 points COC PROJECT RANKING Up to 20 points 20x the quantity where x is the ratio of the total amount of (the cumulative funding requests for all projects or portions of projects ranked higher by the CoC in Tier 2 plus one half of the funding of the project of interest)to the total amount funding available in Tier II. PROJECT TYPE Up to 10 points a)10 points for renewal and new permanent housing, renewal Safe Haven, HMIS, SSO for Centralized or Coordinated Intake, or transitional housing that exclusively serve youth homeless populations b)3 points for renewal transitional housing (except those that exclusively serve homeless youth c)1 point for renewal SSO projects COMMITMENT TO POLICY PRIORITIES Up to 10 points describing a)How PH application commits to Housing First b)How TH and SSO projects are low-barrier, prioritize rapid placement and stabilization in PH and do not have services participation requirements or preconditions to entry (ie sobriety and minimum income threshold)

29 Project Scores Based on  Prioritizing Chronically Homeless with the Highest Need  Ability to put project in place quickly  Housing First Orientation  Plan to increase Mainstream Services/Employment  Access to healthcare  Leveraging

30 Resources FY2015 CoC Program Competition NOFA HUD FY 2015 General Section of the NOFA ESnaps detailed instructions CoC Program Interim Rule – outlines eligible costs, Match and leverage requirements ECHO Community Definitions: PSH, Rapid-rehousing Opening Doors: Federal Strategic Plan to End Homelessness

31 Timeline October 15 th – Applications Due October 20 – IRT Review October 26-30- Membership Council Review and Final Ranking November 20 th – NOFA due

32 Questions S am Woollard, 512-217-6862 Niki Paul 860-301-0112

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