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Causes of WWII The world at war…again. Main causes of WWII Treaty of Versailles Policy of Appeasement Totalitarianism Nazi-Soviet Non- Aggression Pact.

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Presentation on theme: "Causes of WWII The world at war…again. Main causes of WWII Treaty of Versailles Policy of Appeasement Totalitarianism Nazi-Soviet Non- Aggression Pact."— Presentation transcript:

1 Causes of WWII The world at war…again

2 Main causes of WWII Treaty of Versailles Policy of Appeasement Totalitarianism Nazi-Soviet Non- Aggression Pact Great Depression Japan became aggressive

3 Treaty of Versailles Allied powers, U.S., Canada, Britain and France met at Paris Peace Conference in early 1919 (After WWI) to discuss what was going to happen to defeated Germany and Austria- Hungary Purpose of this treaty was to prevent another war

4 Treaty of Versailles cont’d Germany was crippled because of the Treaty of Versailles Hitler determined to make Germany powerful again He used this Treaty to appeal to the German people and to help him over throw the new democratic German gov’t


6 Germany and The Great Depression Germany suffered significantly from the effects of the Depression The “War Guilt” clause of the Treaty put a great strain on German economy To meet the payments, the gov’t printed large amounts of money in the 1920s which lowered the value of the German currency

7 Germany and the Great Depression Cont’d Britain, France, and the U.S. agreed to amend terms Germany’s reparation payments Germany made a modest recovery When stock market crashed in 1929, Germany’s economy was weakened and was more affected than most countries Germany’s inability to make the reparation payments affected the economies of other countries

8 Totalitarianism Totalitarian dictatorship: A dictatorship in which the gov`t uses intimidation, violence and propaganda to rule all aspects of social and political life if its citizens ``Total`` manner in which dictators controlled citizens was something that was new Modern technology allowed dictators to control populations because of the weapons that were available Germany and Italy were fascist totalitarian regimes: the gov`t controlled economy and all resources One leader has absolute power

9 Hitler`s Fascist Germany

10 Totalitarianism: Hitler’s Germany Throughout the 20`s, Nazis gained support by criticizing the democratic gov`t in Germany (Weimer Republic) and the humiliating terms of the treaty of Versailles 1933 Hitler became Chancellor of Germany and ruled through intimidation and fear Banned all political parties other than Nazis Used Gestapo (secret police) to enforce his rule Defied terms of the treaty and used the money to build his military

11 Joseph Stalin`s communist Soviet Union 1924 Stalin became leader of Soviet Union 1928 Stalin had total control of Soviet Union Implemented series of 5 year plans to industrialize country and give gov`t total control of the economy Stalin seized all privately owned land and controlled all media Imposed strict censorship and travel restrictions on everyone

12 Stalin`s Soviet Union Arrested anyone who was a ``threat`` The great purge of the 30`s: Stalin eliminated anyone who was opposed to communism; millions of people were convicted of crimes against the state and many were executed Many died of starvation

13 Benito Mussolini`s Italy

14 Fascist Italy After WWII, Italy struggled economically and politically Mussolini established the fascist party and challenged democracy Created ``black shirts`` gang who attacked communists and socialists in the streets 1922 March of Rome: gathered 26,000 black shirts and demanded the gov`t be turned over to him After taking over Italy, he brought all communications (ie., industry, agriculture, labour) under fascist control

15 The Policy of Appeasement Appeasement: the policy of satisfying or giving into demands. When a country becomes aggressive, other countries give the aggressor what it wants to prevent war

16 Appeasing Hitler

17 Appeasing Hitler cont`d Treaty of Versailles forced Germany to give up Rhineland March of 1936 Hitler violated the Treaty and sent troops to Rhineland Hitler became more aggressive Britain and France did nothing

18 Appeasing Hitler cont`d March 1938 Hitler`s troops moved into Austria and made it a part of Germany Another violation of the treaty Still, Britain and France did nothing

19 Appeasing Hitler cont`d 1938 Hitler threatens to invade Sudetenland (Western region of Czechoslovakia, bordering Germany) Britain and France panicked and a conference was called in Munich, Germany Appeasers asked Hitler what he wanted in exchange for not going to war Hitler wanted Sudetenland-it was given to him and he promised not to invade the rest of Czechoslovakia He broke his promise and invaded Czechoslovakia on March 15 th of 1939


21 Non-Aggression Pact Soviet Union played no role in appeasement Since it was a communist state, Britain and France wanted nothing to do with Soviet Union Stalin tried to convince Britain and France to form a pact with Soviet Union to instill some fear into Hitler His proposal was rejected Stalin feared Nazi German as Hitler had long declared that he would take down communism in the Soviet Union

22 Non-Aggression Pact cont`d Hitler approached Stalin to make a non-aggression pact Agreement was that neither country would attack the other Poland was divided between the two countries Both Stalin and Hitler knew the other was lying about the non-aggression pact

23 …and the war begins Hitler wanted to avoid a two front war when he invaded Poland Stalin wanted to buy time for the inevitable war against Germany Signing the pact cleared the way for Hitler to invade Poland September 1 st 1939 Hitler invades Poland and WWII begins

24 Homework Discussion Questions: What lessons were or were not learned from WWI? What were the four main causes of WWI and how did they contribute to the causes of WWII? Could WWII have been avoided?

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