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Just War When is war the answer?.

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Presentation on theme: "Just War When is war the answer?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Just War When is war the answer?

2 Questions to Ponder When should a country go to war?
Describe three instances. Which of the above instances are YOU willing to fight for? Die for? Justify your answer.

3 Just War Theory A moral defense for war. Developed by Christians
in the 5th century to balance the beliefs of Christianity with the need to go to war. Saint Augustine ( )

4 Jus ad bellum Principles Include: Just Cause Legitimate Authority
(what justifies going to war) Principles Include: Just Cause Legitimate Authority Right Intention Probability of Success Proportionality Last Resort

5 Just Cause War is permissible only Example: to confront a real and
certain danger. Example: Country A is invaded by Country B, Country A must go to war. Non Example: Country B invades Country A because Country A’s leader might attack them sometime in the future. German Troops invade Poland 1939

6 Legitimate Authority War must be declared by Example:
those with responsibility for public order. Example: The President of Country A Declares war on Country B. Non Example: The newspapers in Country A declare war on Country B. After the fighting has started, the President declares war. British Prime Minister Chamberlain declares war on Germany.

7 Right Intention Motives for responding Example: to the cause must be
just, they must be in line with the Just Cause. Example: Country C enters the war because Country B is a friend and the invasion by Country A is a violation of international law. Non Example: because Country B offers money. “Our Conscience is Clear”

8 Last Resort All peaceful alternatives Example:
must have been exhausted. Example: Country A attempted to settle differences with Country B, but Country B refused to negotiate. Non Example: Country A invaded without attempting to work out problems with Country B. Chamberlain and Hitler meet in 1938

9 Probability of Success
Example: Before Country C decides to get involved in the war, it measures its military power with potential enemies. Non Example: Country C brings a knife to a gun fight. Must have reasonable grounds for believing that cause can be achieved. British RAF prepares to defend Britain

10 Proportionality Must be confident that Example: resorting to war will
do more good than harm. Example: Country C enters the war, helps Country A and is able to restore peace to the world. Non Example: Country B wins the war, but suffers so many costs and human loses, that it takes 50 years to recover. FDR Declares War

11 Just War Scenarios You will now be broken into groups to analyze past and potential conflicts. You must study the conflict, then determine if the war can be justified by the criteria outlined in the Just War Theory.

12 Jus in bello Non-Combatant Immunity No Atrocious Weapons
(how combatants must act) Non-Combatant Immunity No Atrocious Weapons Proportionality Prisoners of War (POW’S) Treated Humanely No Reprisals No Repression of one’s own civilians

13 Jus post bellum Just cause for termination
(how war must be terminated) Just cause for termination Public Declaration and Authority Right Intention Discrimination Proportionality

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