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INEVITABLE MUCH? THE CAUSES OF WORLD WAR 2. 1920S – THE DENIAL 1920s were a time of celebration – war was over! Everyone was focused on peace, but all.

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Presentation on theme: "INEVITABLE MUCH? THE CAUSES OF WORLD WAR 2. 1920S – THE DENIAL 1920s were a time of celebration – war was over! Everyone was focused on peace, but all."— Presentation transcript:


2 1920S – THE DENIAL 1920s were a time of celebration – war was over! Everyone was focused on peace, but all had different ways of going about it The League of Nations was quite successful in dealing with minor skirmishes BUT…

3 ENTER THE GFC V1.0 The Great Depression made nations even more reluctant to enter war Many countries and their governments couldn’t decide on how to handle the GD, so they formed coalition governments which were unstable’ SO…

4 JUSTICE LEAGUE (NOT…) The League of Nations includes big powers, but excludes Germany (losers), USSR (Communists, eeeuuuw) USA chooses not to join Many countries join later, but only briefly

5 AND THEN…! Japan invades Manchuria Italy invades Abyssina BUT…

6 MEANWHILE…BACK IN GERMANY Hitler has achieved power Promises a return to greatness Wants to get rid of the Treaty of Versailles Starts with the Saar in 1935

7 AND THEN… Conscription – this was directly against the Treaty of Versallles WHY? AND?

8 THE RHINELAND In 1936, Hitler re- occupied the Rhineland This was against the Treaty of Versailles BUT…

9 AUSTRIA (#1 & #2) In 1936 Hitler send troops into Austria BUT… In 1938 he re-entered Austria, and this time… ANSCHLUSS AND…

10 CZECHOSLOVAKIA #1 & #2 In 1938 Germany took back the German speaking parts of Czechoslovakia At the Munich Conference GB & France did… In 1939, Germany takes the rest of Czechoslovakia.

11 BUT WAIT! THERE’S MORE! In 193.. Italy, Germany and Japan sign the Anti- Comintern Pact – directly opposes the USSR In 1939 Germany signs an agreement with USSR not to attack each other (Nazi-Soviet NonAggression Pact) WHY? AND NEXT?

12 ROLLIN’ WITH POLAND In April 1939, GB signs an agreement to protect Poland In August, Germany invades Poland (who wouldda thought…?)




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