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Ancient Greece.

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1 Ancient Greece

2 History I BCE: Emergence of Greek City States from tribal communities II. City states included Athens & Megara on the Greek mainland III BCE: The Peloponnesian cities of Sparta, Corinth & Argos emerge IV. Of the city states Athens & Sparta were the most important & became rivals V. Between BCE there was a battle for supremacy

3 Map of Ancient Greece Athens, Megara, Sparta, Argos, Corinth and Olympia

4 Polis Descriptions Argos Corinth
Strengths: Agriculture, art, sculpture & drama Weakness- Fears Sparta’s military strength Corinth Strengths: Located at the entrance to the pass, trade & harbor Weakness: Can be attacked because of harbor

5 Polis Descriptions Athens Megara
Strengths: Education, democracy, dominates mainland, strong navy Weakness- Fears Sparta’s military strength Megara Strengths: Located at the entrance to the pass, trade & harbor Weakness: Fears Athens policy of expansion

6 Polis Descriptions Sparta
Strengths: Powerful military, wants to dominate Peloponnesian peninsula Weakness- Other city states are afraid to make alliances with you.

7 Greek Polis Simulation Goal: As a Polis you want to GAIN CONTROL OF MOUNTAIN PASS located between Corinth and Megara, however you will need to form alliances- See map on handout By controlling the pass you can control trade and strengthen your alliances. During the debate the aim is to create an alliance with 2 or 3 of the other city states. During the debate you will be debating a number of proposals. However, you will also have a chance to “sell” your polis and explain why the other city states should align with you.

8 Instructions 1. Review the location of the cities on the map you labeled 2. In your group read your Polis profile 3. Discuss as a group why you would want to create an alliance with each polis & why you would not want to create one. Decide who you would like to form an alliance with… you may change your mind during the debate! 4. Complete this information on your worksheet (pros & cons). 5. Assign the following roles: artists, writers & spokesperson 7. The artists will create a poster, with your name, symbol & slogan 8. The spokesperson & writers will create a short introductory speech on: who you are, why you should control the pass, and who you feel would make the best alliance 9. Remember none of the city states are strong enough to control the pass by themselves!

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