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Epic Notebook Setup Day Two!.

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Presentation on theme: "Epic Notebook Setup Day Two!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Epic Notebook Setup Day Two!

2 Class Expectations Beginning on page 1
You will add your copy of Mrs. Kelley’s Science Classroom Expectations.

3 Learning Styles Highlight any sentences that describe you.
What kind of learner are you? Circle which one you were most like! Now on page 2 glue This worksheet.

4 Know Your Strengths On page 3 glue the Know Your Strengths worksheet.
This will help you determine how you learn best.

5 What is an IAN? On page 4 attach the worksheet titled What is an IAN?
This page will help you explain an IAN to your parents when you share your work.

6 Thinking Activity List
On page 5 cut all the handouts that say “Thinking Activity List” Flap them in one on top of the other in order These are directions for the left side assignments. You will refer to these all year.

7 More about Left Side Activities
Students have free range to design each left side as they choose. Each right side page must have an accompanying left side application activity. There are some guidelines to keep in mind when creating a left side application activity:

8 Student Generated 1. A left side activity is usually designed and created by the student. It is usually NOT assigned specifically by the teacher.

9 “I want to do the same thing”
2. In a given unit of study, students cannot repeat more than two kinds of left side application activities. This means that there cannot be, for example, more than two different left side Venn Diagrams or two processed Internet articles or two illustrated pictures used for left sides in that particular unit.

10 Student Examples Concept Map Graffiti Tattoo

11 Left Side Examples Picture Frame Super Hero Cartoon

12 Student Samples Instagram Post Concept Map

13 Reading Activities On page 6 cut and glue in the handout that says “ Reading Activities”


15 Claim Evidence Reasoning
You have probably used CER or claim evidence reasoning in previous science classes at Clark. We will use this format when writing up lab reports. On the following pages you will glue in notes, an example and a rubric to refer to when needed.

16 CER On page 7 glue the notes for writing a CER. We will review this before your first assignment. On page 8 glue the example of a CER. On page 9 glue the rubric which explains how I will grade your CER.


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