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 Companies ◦ Public ◦ Private ◦ IPO’s  Good or Bad?

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2  Companies ◦ Public ◦ Private ◦ IPO’s  Good or Bad?

3  What makes a company good or bad? Questions good companies ask… 1. Where are the customers? - A good company puts its products where the customers can find them 2. What do the customers want? - Sell what people want…demand 3. Customer Satisfaction? - Sell a quality product. This attracts people, and spreads it. Word of mouth. This makes a profit.

4  Mini Markets: Groups of companies based on similar interests.  We didn’t get to this on Friday, so look on WeSeed for mini markets. Follow handout and answer back of worksheet.

5  The worksheet I handed out to you was meant to help you identify companies that you know and interact with on a daily basis.  Each of you have knowledge of certain companies in the stock market. Use this to your advantage.  The main point of this worksheet was to help you invest in what you already know.  Mini Markets help with this  Breaks down your strengths

6  To end class write answer this question in your Google Docs: ◦ Do you like the mini-market feature in WeSeed? Will you use this and will it help you? Why or Why not? Explain with detail!

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