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In the Current Environment Policy Matters: Initiative Policy Goals Lynn Tiede Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative.

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2 In the Current Environment Policy Matters: Initiative Policy Goals Lynn Tiede Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative

3 Systems Improvement Excerpt from Theory of Change “…..The Initiative has designed a set of core strategies and related activities to help create or support these conditions in communities. These conditions will maximize the impact of the community’s work on public and private systems, leading to better supports and increased opportunities, which, when accessed by young people will improve their life outcomes.”

4 Youth Advocacy Documents

5 Policy and Practice Goals 2010

6 A Permanent Family ■ A family or committed, caring adult in his or her life when leaving care ■ Subsidized legal guardianship and kinship care as permanence options ■ Placements in family settings rather than congregate care ■ Opportunities for safely re-engaging birth parents or relatives ■ Connections to siblings

7 Policy and Practice Goals 2010 A Stable Education ■ Continuous schooling upon entering care and while in it ■ Tuition waivers for post-secondary education ■ Supports for post-secondary education (ETVs, housing, on- campus support)

8 Policy and Practice Goals 2010 Opportunities to Achieve Economic Success ■ Developmentally appropriate IDAs ■ Necessary personal documents (e.g., Social Security card, birth certificate or green card, government-issued photo ID) ■ Early and consistent work experience

9 Policy and Practice Goals 2010 A Place to Live ■ Foster care available to 21, with continued legal advocacy and permanency planning ■ Variety of living options from age 18 to 21 ■ Priority access to safe housing options

10 Policy and Practice Goals 2010 Access to Health and Mental Health Care ■ Medicaid to 21 ■ Coordination of Medicaid beyond age 21 for those meeting adult requirements ■ Comprehensive, coordinated health care when in care

11 Policy and Practice Goals 2010 Opportunities to be Listened to, Informed, and Respected and To Exert Control Over Their Lives ■ Youth-led case planning, including permanency and transition planning ■ Leadership and community involvement opportunities ■ Collect NYTD Plus to provide information on how all young people are doing after care ■ Analyze data to identify and address racial disproportionality

12 Opportunities for Policy & Practice Improvement A clear policy agenda, developed with young people Young people fully engaged in advocating for change Supportive community partners Data and research utilized A focus on increased opportunities

13 Opportunities for Policy & Practice Improvement Most of the policy and practice goals are no-cost or low - cost, and some can produce cost savings (e.g. reductions in congregate care) Many improvements don’t require legislative action The challenges and successes of these young people resonate.

14 It’s Really Not About Policy & Practice Change We must hold ourselves accountable for RESULTS, for improving the lives of young people, by: Not accepting policy change as the end result, effective implementation must follow Collecting and utilizing outcome data – youth and systems Remaining a learning community Keeping young people at the center of our work

15 Questions? Thoughts? Suggestions?

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