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7 th Grade Do Now Sit in any seat until given assigned seats. (please do not touch computers)

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Presentation on theme: "7 th Grade Do Now Sit in any seat until given assigned seats. (please do not touch computers)"— Presentation transcript:

1 7 th Grade Do Now Sit in any seat until given assigned seats. (please do not touch computers)

2 Keyboarding 7th Grade Mrs. Hix

3 What will you learn? Touch Method of Keyboarding Numeric Keys & Symbols Inspiration--Graphic Organizers Power Point- Presentations Internet Safety

4 How Will you be Graded? Keying Technique Accuracy Speed Class Work Inspiration Projects Power Point Projects Class Participation

5 Timings (Speed Grades) Grades based on this scale

6 Student Expectations Do Now—Enter room quietly and begin Do Now activity Raise Hand Rams Rules

7 Computer Lab Rules No Food, Drink, or GUM Books under chairs No programs without permission Do not touch computer once you are logged off! Do NOT touch another students computer. Workstations organized Teacher dismisses class

8 Steps for Not Following Rules or Expectations Verbal Warning teacher student conference Seat Change Call home Lunch Detention

9 Restroom Procedures Sign out Take Green pass Limited to last 5 minutes of class unless it is an absolute emergency

10 DO NOW: 7 th Grade Sit in your assigned seats Wait for instructions Please do not touch the computers

11 Logon Procedures Username: Last name, first initial, middle initial  johnsonmr Password: Student1 Password conditions: No names Must be school appropriate At least 8 characters Capitalized word followed by a number:  Example: Computer23  Football54  Baseball12

12 Electronic Journal Open Word Insert Header (View/Header and Footer) Key Name Period Electronic Journal Close Header Insert Date and Time August 31, 2010

13 DO NOW: 7 th Grade Log on Open Microsoft Word Wait for instructions

14 Key Vocabulary Network Network Drive (H:) Template Drive File Folder

15 Key Vocabulary Network System of computers that are connected. (CDSD) Network Drive (H:) Location where you save all files so that you can access them from any computer in the network Template Drive Drive within the network where teachers place files that students can access, make changes to, and save to their H: Drive File Documents (Word), Presentations (PPT), Pictures, MP3s, Spreadsheets (Excel) Folder Use these to organize files

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