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NC Wise Security & Passwords Revised: July 29, 2008 Developed by: Jennifer Jenkins, Cabarrus County Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "NC Wise Security & Passwords Revised: July 29, 2008 Developed by: Jennifer Jenkins, Cabarrus County Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 NC Wise Security & Passwords Revised: July 29, 2008 Developed by: Jennifer Jenkins, Cabarrus County Schools

2 What data do we have access to that people might be interested in? Class Rolls / Rosters Academic Information Discipline Data Student Confidential Information Addresses, Phone Numbers Social Security Numbers A compromised computer provides access to all accounts, keystrokes, and data. Security Who Cares About My Data?

3 The user “role” determines what screens the user can see and what the user can do in those screens. Example Roles… Teacher role Nurse role Guidance Counselor role Principal role County Office role Read Only user roles and user types are available. This user can only “see” data. Security Levels will be set at the appropriate “Need to Know” level by the district. Security eSIS Security Levels

4 To an attacker, a strong password should appear to be a random string of characters. Make it lengthy. Each character you add to your password increases the protection that it provides many times over. For NC WISE the password must be at least 8 characters. Combine letters, numbers, and symbols. The greater variety of characters that you have in your password, the harder it is to guess. Symbols typed by holding down the "Shift" key and typing a number are very common in passwords. What Makes A Strong Password ?? Source:

5 NC WISE Password Requirements Must be at least 8 characters long. Must begin with an alpha character. The password must contain at least two non-alpha characters. Cabarrus recommends you use numbers instead of symbols in your password. You cannot reuse an NCWISE password until 6 other passwords have been used. Passwords automatically expire after 90 days. After 3 failed login attempts the user will be locked out of NC WISE. Users will be disabled after 30 days of inactivity. Security Common Sense Password Requirements Source: > NC WISE Password Update (7/29/05)

6 Make it a non dictionary word. Start a password with an “alpha” Use at least 2 non-alpha characters. Cabarrus recommends you use numbers instead of symbols in your password. Examples of Good Passwords: First letter substitution: irl2ecic (I really like to eat chocolate ice cream) Use A Habit: iltpba600pm (I like to play basketball at 6:00) Mis-spellings: Frodsr0nchveyey3 (Fords out number Chevy's) Security Pick Good Passwords

7 NC WISE User Name Each Cabarrus County School user will have a unique username which is generated by NCDPI. The format for the username will be… First Name_Last NameExample: brad_pitt If duplicate name exists a digit or number could be added to the username. The username is generated at the state level. NCDPI/AAL will provide the web address and database name to the LEA. Cabarrus County Schools will use this address to access our NC WISE database. Website Access Teacher Assistant Module (TAM)


9 User Name (User ID) and Passwords User Names are assigned to individuals, who have sole responsibility for all data entered under that name. User Names and passwords are not to be shared with anyone else. User Names and Passwords are not to be displayed/stored Into an email message. On the computer “desktop”. On printed documents open to others. Beside the monitor or in clear view on a desk. Do not use the same password for any other application. DPI or CCS Helpdesk should NEVER call you and request your password. When users are not using NCWISE, they should completely “log out”. All staff should TRY to place the teacher monitor away from the class. Try to put it in a location so that if a student is behind the teacher or around the computer, the student cannot see the data on the screen. Security Common Sense Password Requirements

10 This document outlines the user id and password security standards for NC WISE. All users will have to sign the “Compact”. At the school site, a copy will be collected and kept by the principal. All other employees will have a copy of the compact kept by their immediate supervisor. A “COMPACT” of Understanding Will Be Required Security eSIS Security Levels


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