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InfoVis Infrastructure Workshop Chris Mueller Open Systems Lab, Indiana University October 9, 2004 chemuell at cs dot indiana dot edu

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Presentation on theme: "InfoVis Infrastructure Workshop Chris Mueller Open Systems Lab, Indiana University October 9, 2004 chemuell at cs dot indiana dot edu"— Presentation transcript:

1 InfoVis Infrastructure Workshop Chris Mueller Open Systems Lab, Indiana University October 9, 2004 chemuell at cs dot indiana dot edu

2 Overview Position Paper –Repository style infrastructure (SourceForge, GenBank, CPAN) –Standard software protocols –Guiding policies to help ensure quality Current Work – Open Systems Lab, IU –High performance components for IVC Boost Graph Library –Very large data sets/visualization Interests –Understand community needs –Learn what’s available, where we’re going Industry Viewpoint –Web-based Scientific Visualization and Analysis products –In-house visualization and analysis tools (high-throughput analytical chemistry)

3 Core Algorithm Patterns breadth_first_search breadth_first_visit depth_first_search depth_first_visit undirected_dfs Shortest Paths Algorithms dijkstra_shortest_paths bellman_ford_shortest_paths dag_shortest_paths johnson_all_pairs_shortest_paths Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithms kruskal_minimum_spanning_tree prim_minimum_spanning_tree connected_components strong_components Incremental Connected Components initialize_incremental_components incremental_components same_component component_index Maximum Flow Algorithms edmunds_karp_max_flow push_relabel_max_flow topological_sort transitive_closure copy_graph transpose_graph isomorphism cuthill_mckee_ordering sequential_vertex_coloring* minimum_degree_ordering sloan_ordering ith_wavefront, max_wavefront, aver_wavefront, and rms_wavefront Recent Additions Betweenness Centrality Betweenness Centrality clustering A* search Floyd-Warshall all-pairs shortest paths Kamada-Kawai layout Boost Graph Library Algorithms

4 Actor Collaboration Database Betweenness Centrality Clustering (threshold=0.01) Single Processor

5 Actor Collaboration Database Betweenness Centrality

6 Dot Plot Performance Results BaseSIMD 1SIMD 2Thread Ideal1401163 2193 NFS88370400- NFS Touch88-446891 Local-500731- Local Touch90-8811868 Base is a direct port of the DOTTER algorithm SIMD 1 is the SIMD algorithm using a sparse matrix data structure based on STL vectors SIMD 2 is the SIMD algorithm using a binary format and memory mapped output files Thread is the SIMD 2 algorithm on 2 Processors Ideal SpeedupReal SpeedupIdeal/Real Throughput SIMD8.3x9.7x75% Thread15x18.1x77% Thread (large data)13.321.285%

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