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What are the next steps? Kari-Pekka Martimo PAA. The importance of follow-up and evaluation 1.To be able to show the effects of our activities our customers,

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Presentation on theme: "What are the next steps? Kari-Pekka Martimo PAA. The importance of follow-up and evaluation 1.To be able to show the effects of our activities our customers,"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are the next steps? Kari-Pekka Martimo PAA

2 The importance of follow-up and evaluation 1.To be able to show the effects of our activities our customers, decision makers 2.To be sure of the effects ourselves 3.To be able to improve performance What is not documented, is not done at all! You can’t improve it if you don’t evaluate it!

3 Process model of OHS Collecting data Analysing data Conclusions and targets for activities Using the suitable methods Evaluating results

4 Data –Branch of industry, size, premises, type of production, raw material, chemicals etc. –Employees, age, gender, education etc. –Sick leaves, accidents, occupational diseases –Previous measurements of noise, exposure levels, biological monitoring –Etc. Process model of OHS

5 Methods –Work site visit, risk and needs assessment; need for additional experts in assessing the risks (hygienist, ergonomist, psychologist) –Projects to improve work environment –Health surveillance (based on risk assessment) –Health surveillance as part of projects to improve health and work ability –Collaboration to improve OH&S culture Process model of OHS


7 Evaluation of OHS Input: Number of OHS units, number of professionals (total working time) Number of enterprises served, number of their employees Training of the OHS providers Financial input from the employers Working time of employees spent in OHS

8 Evaluation of OHS Process: Workplace visits, risk assessments, health examinations, medical consultations by OH physician, nurse, ergonomist, hygienist, psychologist Meetings e.g. on safety issues (safety committee) Activities at group level Collaboration with involved parties

9 Evaluation of OHS Output: Number of workplace visits, risk assessments, health examinations, medical consultations Number of examinations (laboratory, X- ray, hygienic) Number of meetings Number of activities at group level Invoices sent to the companies

10 Evaluation of OHS Outcome: Incidence of occupational and work-related diseases, symptoms, accidents Changes in risk factors, Work Ability Index, sick leaves, other parameters Improvements in work environment, number of work adjustments Developments in collaboration Increase in PPI use, knowledge level (e.g. first aid) Economic result of the OHS unit

11 Evaluation of OHS Important at all levels: Individual professional Workplace (employee, enterprise) OHS unit Nation Same indicators should serve all levels Minimum efforts

12 What next? Audit visits to OHS units and providers Adaptation of the GOHP guidelines Interest in Quality Management of OHS Training in ODs/WRDs and the new notification system Development of national follow-up system

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